Reducing Death, Disease, Crime, Costs & Addiction by Ending Drug Prohibition ved Jack Cole Jack Cole er tidligere …


  1. Jack Cole of 'LAW ENFORCEMENT AGAINST PROHIBITION' (LEAP), Jack joined Police in 1964, it was 1970 when he joined New JerseyNarcotics President Nixon who in 1968 & again in 1970 Nixon details how he will deal with drugs. The start of the War On Drugs. Jack also tells that he was responsible for the incarceration of 1,000 people.However, Jack felt that 'Reducing Death, Disease, Crime, Costs & Addiction' was a more effective way of dealing with drugs and the issues which surround it. irra.

  2. He decided after 26 years???? 26 years, just right in time to get full pension and free medical benefits for LIFE. Once he got all that, then his guilt took over. Now he makes money using the State Police as a reference. This guy is a joke and a fraud!


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