Emotional Intelligence From a Teenage Perspective | Maximilian Park | TEDxYouth@PVPHS

Intelligence comes in many forms. In this talk, Maximilian Park discusses his experience with emotional intelligence, the change it …


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  4. Emotional intelligence helps you build stronger relationships, succeed at school and work, and achieve your career and personal goals.

    It can also help you to connect with your feelings, turn intention into action, and make informed decisions about what matters most to you.

  5. He's learnt what many of us have been searching for, some for most of their lives without realising, imagine if this kind of content was made more available in schools, it took therapy for me to come across this and has changed my life

  6. This is Sooo much needed at school across the nation. If kids are teach emotional intelligence young maybe a lot of life's would be safe. Thank you for this video. And please continue to help young kids, they really need someone like you. .💙

  7. Mahmoud Godat. Those new generations have their own expression to tell the others what is going on in their minds it`s a great expression I enjoyed. Videos like this will help many people to understand what is Emotional Intelligence (EI).

  8. eq schooling should be required at colleges in order to obtain a degree because many of us have never heard to EQ. It should also be taught in a parenting class or a childhood development class because children push our buttons.

  9. As parents, we need to hear from more teenagers, not from therapists or from other parents. They should tell us how they feel even if we know how we felt when we were teenagers.

  10. Today I got to know thaI how Indian gods help us. When we desire for one who loves us we get Lord Krishna and Rama who is loved by everyone, when we desire for anyone to guide us there is Lord Krishna guiding us as Arjuna defeated by his own emotions in the land of war of Mahabharata before fighting and when we someone to destroy the negative energy of ours there is Lord Shiva , The destroyer. Hare Krishna! Hare Rama! Namah Parvati Pataye Har Har Mahadev! May God takes every positive and negative effects and make us zero, neutral, "the eternal form".

  11. The problem is people think that academics is the most important thing and so teens struggle, which causes the stress. Education system is so inadequate. Some teens need a boot camp. Some need moral learning. Some need hands-on learning. But are these things offered? No hardly at all. They say that's the parents job but school takes up the child+teens life.


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