Watch the full sermon: The birth of Jesus Christ showed God’s incredible desire to participate in …


  1. Thanks you my daddy
    Your spirit son from Bénin in Cotonou
    Plase daddy we need to you in Cotonou
    Plase come tous delivered you children's life 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢

  2. WARN•ING: a statement or event that indicates a possible or impending danger, problem, or other unpleasant situation.

    Would you suggest that it would be a bad idea for a parent to attempt to PREVENT their child(ren) from experiencing any dangerous encounters, ongoing problems or any other unpleasant situation that may occur during their lifetime?

    There was a young boy named John. John would often become unruly and very disruptive whenever he was asked by his teacher if he would be willing to obey the school rules and policies while attending school. Occasionally John's teacher would attempt to approach him in a respectful way hoping not to evoke his anger and defuse any resentment that he may have towards his teacher, in hopes of establishing a peaceful relationship between the two. Most of the time his teacher's earnest efforts to evoke peace would often leave John feeling somewhat violated, because John felt as though his freedoms of expression were being threatened and or removed without his consent. You see?…..John had been raised by parents who did not believe that it was necessary to CORRECT his rebellious behavior in fear of him NOT LOVING them in return. It was very obvious that the parents and their wayward child John were engaged in a turbulent relationship that would ultimately end in heartbreak and major disappointment. John's foolish parents believed that by allowing him to be free to do WHATEVER he wanted to do was an expression of their LOVE for him, when in reality, it was the exact OPPOSITE of TRUE LOVE….and by him being such a young child, he was unable to fully comprehend that receiving everything that his carnal heart desired from his parents was not in his best interest.

    📖 Hebrews 12:6 📖
    "because the Lord DISCIPLINES the one he LOVES , and He (corrects) chastens EVERYONE He ACCEPTS as His son.”

    📖 2 Timothy 3:16 📖
    All SCRIPTURES is God-breathed and (is) useful for teaching, rebuking, CORRECTING and training in RIGHTEOUSNESS,

    📖 Proverbs 13:24 📖
    Whoever spares the rod HATES their children, but the one who LOVES their children is (careful) to DISCIPLINE them.

    Where there is NO biblical CORRECTION, there is NO Godly LOVE…..period!

    Sent with much LOVE, take care and God bless ❤️🙏🏾🕊🙏🏾❤️🙏🏾🕊❤️


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