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  1. My lord Jesus christ forgive my weaknesses and sins and help me to give you my life and my family's life I believe in Jesus christ our savor please lord bless all humanity Amin 🙏

  2. Expand your consciousness by attatching his Neuralink chip to your brains, joining Ai and in doing so completely go against the natural order Jesus has made for you as HIS creation and in the process making him richer. Read between the lines.

  3. God allowed a tiny piece of power escape from his fingertip, to create everything.

    He later limited himself into becoming a human being. Jesus

    Become the person that dosent believe in God but Knows there is a God and then know God

  4. The answer to Elon question about the fish and bread loaves,God is The Creator,Him who said let there be light and so it was,He can create something from nothing and can surely multiply fish and bread by The Power of His Word,what a Great God we serve and believe in, having a relationship with Him who created us,He will reveal these things to us as His children…….May The Grace of God, The Love of Jesus Christ and The Fellowship of The Holy Spirit be with you all…..

  5. Jesus is the real deal too many things were done in front of important people of those days including pontius Pilate and all the other leaders who they themselves couldn’t ignore the miracles

  6. the prophecies such as Isaiah 53, which lets be honest here, is a clear portrayal of Jesus also Psalm 22 depicting the Crucifixion which Jesus quoted on the Cross with " My God My God, why have you forsaken me, Jer 31:31 Saying God will make a New Covenant, Micah 5:1, saying his origins are from everlasting, and there really are just too many too list here, that its practically impossible statistically for any other person to fulfill them all, not to even mention Daniel 9:26 which says the Messiah will be put to death before the destruction of the temple.So many are biased, whether from birth or ignorance, or circumstance, Same as Paul who was so insanely biased it took being blinded by a direct revelation from Jesus to wake him up. Jesus said, "everyone who is of the truth hears my voice." so ask yourself, are you of the truth?

  7. The "dead in Christ will rise first." Meaning a higher consciousness. I rose back in 2010. Its was lonely for a while but now i see we are popping up like spring daisies! God bless.


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