The film is under non-exclusive license from Artist View Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved** Edge Of Salvation – A documentary …


  1. O, my my what a wonderfully true account of the streets. I have worked with the homeless for 25 years. "He came to heal the brokenhearted " My thoughts and prayers and applause go out to those that produced this film. Spot on my friends.

  2. I never looked a street life like this before…this movie gave me a new perspective and thought me a lesson to pray for the abandoned. A unique movie! BUT it is also better to cut off some inappropriate scenes..if some street acts are not pleasant to show on the movie it's better to leave off, we will understand the bigger picture. At the end of the day it is a christian movie..that way i saw it in the frist place! Stay Blessed!

  3. Everybody need to look after each other now, since we are living in a evil world. And we are at the end time. Jesus will be here soon. Keep fighting over the devil. Don't give up your life just because the devil is in you.

  4. Thanks for reminding us of how quickly things can go from bad to worse on the streets. Hopefully it will remind us all to do something good about another person's situation now rather than later, which can often be too late.

  5. Good but sad movie. Society has turned into such an ugly state. If only more would turn to God for help, understanding, strength & salvation. We would be in so much better shape. TY for this download & bless you all.


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