Eddie Vedder performing Long Nights. Lyrics included as CC Captions (and in description below). Watch/listen to the best …


  1. Nice song.but unless you make Jesus your Lord and Savior , hell is where you will live forever. First commandment says do not make a god in your own image. It's seems like this is what this guy did. He tried to save himself. THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE !

  2. Wanting to be free
    Find a Home
    Ultimately Home is on a ship
    sailing to be used as a tool to fix the mess the rich can simply toss away like plastic
    Memories that were once human beings

  3. Whoever you are, wherever you are, know this: you are not alone. This world is big enough to explore, to get to know new people, to search for a brand new love. Even if something went down, this is not the end. Actually, dont think about the end. Think about life like what matters is the in-between. Good journey, adventurer.

  4. Фильм "В диких условиях" смотрела 4 раза. Потрясла судьбы Кристофера Маккэндлесс! Необыкновенный, честный, отважный молодой человек! Мы храним память о нем! А песню Эдди Веддера "Длинные ночи" я слушаю каждый день по несколько раз! Проникновенная по исполнению, прекрасная музыка и потрясающие слова! "Лучше пусть меня не будет, чем быть таким, как раньше!" – эти слова из песни должны стать девизом каждого человека, который хочет стремиться стать лучше, чтобы жизнь на планете Земля стала счастливой для всех людей!

  5. Words cannot describe how much this song means to me, I get really emotional every time I hear it, the lyrics are incredible and the movie is and always will be my favourite, I used to think there was something wrong with me because I saw life in a different way to everyone else, I was depressed for a long time, then it all started to change when I realised that there were others out there that felt the same, I know exactly what I want in life now at 47 years old, I have always been passionate about the natural world and a simple life and that's were my future lies

  6. Would anyone like to live a simple life surrounded by nature in the mountains thanks to a self-sufficient community or hunter-gatherer community? I would love to, but I don't want to be alone, I would like to create a community for that project. Thanks for your time, if you are interested in the project, there is a video inside my channel where you can find my contact so we can stay in touch


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