1. …Manchmal frage ich mich was unsere Aufgabe in diesem Leben sein soll…Ein bewegendes Film 😢sehr traurig…Auf der Suche nach inneren Leere…Im Wahrheit suchen wir alle das gleiche etwas was uns innerlich ausfüllt und es mit Geld nicht kaufen kann…innere Zufriedenheit ohne das Gleichgewicht zu verlieren…Etwas Heiliges 🌅

  2. I may be going against the trend here but shouldn't this bloke have actually learnt how to survive in the wilderness before trekking off into the wilderness?…. I know it's a brave thing to follow your dreams and all but if he educated himself a little bit he could be living a full life out in the unknown. People could be trekking out to visit him instead of an old abandoned bus.

  3. looooooooooooooooong nightttttttttttts alloooooooooooooow
    me tooooooooooooooo feeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllllllll
    ıııııııııııııı aammmmmmm fallingggggggggggg
    ııııııııııııı ammm falllıngggggggggggggggg

  4. Right now im totally hyped with the band the national songs like fake empire and graceless i can listen to it all day but something that eddie veddee does with long nights i cant describe but i love it 1000% and its personally my favourite song the melody is so complete 💯❤️ greetings from the🇳🇱

  5. IMPORTANT…….Please who ever sees this Please Google this book the diary of a drifter by Steven roof I walked across America 16 times on foot with no money just a wild edible plant book and I published a book homeless called the diary of a drifter by Steven roof i dedicated my book to Chris and to all the men and women that died on the road trying to live free Please Google my book sincerely Steven roof 🙏 all my respect 🙏


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