Facebook — Phillip Gilmore Instagram — Sin__Ful.


  1. Tell it!! That's something Sir, one thing is for certain; money don't silence nothing in heaven. There are child molesters in every church. Ask the children who make them want to run?✝️

  2. Even The Lie About What Was Told What He Died From! Mr. Long and Mr. Cleveland and many many others!! My Motto, Is This! WHEN AND IF THEY ARE NOT HIDING OR ASHAMED ABOUT THEIR EXPOSURE! Then I Am Not Ashamed TO CALL IT OUT!

  3. My mom is newly bedridden in our care 24/7. Her pastor picks up her tithes from us, hasn't come inside to visit cause of Covid, but hasn't called to pray with her either. The n*gga said "she got dementia, she won't remember anyway." We stopped paying him her tithes & he reported us for elder abuse. We were found not guilty. The investigators were appalled at the texts he'd sent threatening to have her put in a nursing home then sent to hell if we didn't start back paying her tithes. Some pastors are truly unreal.🤷

  4. I do not believe in a false religious institutions and abominable ministers or pastors, preachers, who profess they love and believe in the Lord Jesus but are wolves in sheep's clothing. You will know a tree by it's fruits. The Holy Scriptures declare nothing abominable, defiled and all liars will have their part and be thrown into the lake of fire an brimstone, the second death.

    As for me, I have tried to warn sinners to repent unto Jesus for years so their blood will not be required upon my hands, but few received it. Ezekiel 33:8 “When I say unto the wicked, O wicked man, thou shalt surely die; if thou dost not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand.”

  5. Thank you for saying these things you are absolutely 100% correct. These men need to be held accountable and not covered and protected and defended. They are suppose to be representatives and ambassadors for Christ and they dragged that most precious holy name through their slime and filth and abominations and perversions and brought charge against His most holy name and tried to pervert it but in reality they were preaching “ANOTHER Jesus”. “They that preach the gospel MUST live of the gospel”.

  6. Just a question fam and I see this video was from 4 years ago. In one instance you seem to be an active P and in videos like this you seem on fire for spirituality. It seems impossible for those two callings to reside in the same person at the same time. Whoa is the shepard that……. Let's say Eddie Long died living in sin can we not reasonably say that being an active P is another definition of living in sin?

  7. First off you worry about these titles and these degrees and you profess somebody to be a man of God. Number one there was only one of God an angel could not say he's only begotten of the father it's only one and that was Yeshua. No Jesus Christ that's a picture that's a statue created by the hands of man in the 17th century when you go back and check history at the time of the crucifixion in the alphabetical letters there was not even a j that existed in the language of the time that's number one so pilot could not have wrote Jesus king of the Jews and he said what I have written I have written which was Yeshua King of the Jews. An image and an idol a statue is not to be worship and that's what Jesus is a painting a statue and an image. Now back to the other thing when you get out of seminary school and you sit under Reverend Dr Bishop so and so that's who you ordained to you have no calling. Just like the pastor son he don't have a calling he got the church cuz his daddy was the pastor and many of y'all miss this understanding everybody ain't been called to the pulpit because Satan can transform into an angel of light and appear to be a minister or a leader or conduct leadership in the church and it says Satan can transform into an angel of light and his ministers appear to be righteous. Simon the sorcerer came practicing witchcraft and sorcery and they thought he was sent from God. The other thing is they came to him and said didn't we do great works in your name he said I never knew you workers are wickedness why they were doing it in the name of an image and a statue and a picture which was Jesus that was not his name that's why I said I never knew you workers of wickedness. And until you understand a relationship with him and you get into a relationship with him through his revelation of choosing you you can't choose him and that's why and what sinner has the right to change the ordained word of God or a name ordained by God names meant something even when he said Abram your name shall be Abraham because you will be the father of many nations Yahweh means salvation in Hebrew Yeshua means y'all way in salvation in Hebrew the name of the father honest the son the name of the son honors the father. There's no Jesus in that because there was no letter J and there's no honoring the father with that name because it was an image painted by the hands of man that's the first thing you need to know. Who am I in a relationship with who am I worshiping who is the only begotten of the father. Stop practicing religion because Satan told you I will give you all of this if you bow down and worship me and what did he do transformed into an angel of Life took on a form of sinful worship any image of a painted picture and a statue and said my name is Jesus I am he I am God I am born of a virgin so when did God have a mother. What sense does that make none he who created sinful flesh was born of a woman who was born in sin-shaping and wickedness we all sin and fall short of the glory of God therefore how could he be born of a woman he was not born of flesh nor the will of man but of Elohim of God. God is a spirit he went in by the spirit he came out by the spirit she brought forth a son didn't say she gave birth that's why she remain the virgin she could not come through sinful blood this is what happens when the wrong people in the pulpit teaching of religion and worshiping in IDOL in an image

  8. Shalom but they wanna crucify Kellz…this man was messing with kids but u throw stones not even knowing the whole story…still followed this man knowing he was wrong as hell. Get ur thoughts n heart together…and follow the Most High n Christ doing His commandments. Give ur brothers n sisters a chance…The blood will be on ur hands if u don't say anything. Shalom


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