Eddie Long dead at 63 allegedly from Cancer.

http://www.TooRealForTV.com Filmmaker Michael Maroy reports on the health status of Rev Eddie Long and his claims of a vegan …


  1. None of the nutrition that comes from the food he is eating is being absorbed. He looks malnourished, and stressed. Not vegan. Yes he is ill; and he has known for a long time.

  2. I would not listen to you Eddie. you should know what the bible states, the DIETARY LAWS YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN FOLLOWING AND TEACHING YOUR CONGREGATION. AND THE BIBLE STATES MORAL LAWS. you dont believe in the bible just collecting money.

  3. There is a serious problem with his health and skin problems. He is not looking very well and some thing else is going on with him. His health is failing and he is not normal. He has a major ailment and it is taking a toll on his life. He is sinking slowly, but he is rolling down the hills of life rapidly.

  4. I have no accusations but it looks like the face of those who are coke or crack. I am not saying he is on drugs just saying it's like some of the faces I have had to work with while they were on the drugs.

  5. hi hope you get my comment my name is rickey young I went on a wet diet in 2010 I did not diet the right way I was drinking VA juice and eating vegetables for about two months before loosing weight I wade 275 in the two months I was loosing I had not eat eny meat or candy or junk food like potatoes chips I lose weight tramendously I had got really sick from not eating for 2 months I got to ware I could not eat anything on top of that by not eating it gave me ulcer colitis it cause me to have to have six blood transfusions to restore my good cause by not eating it cause a hole to come in my gastrointestinal system I thought I was going to die so my family was on me pretty hard to force myself to eat my brother came over start cooking me solid foods to eat I had to force my self to. eat cause the doctor told me if I haven't eat by my next doctor's visit he would have to put a frame in my neck to feed me and that he was going to get a court order to do that with I also at the same time had asbestosis desease I steal have I was fighting against asbestos corporations also at the same time I had a lot of stress fysically and mentally so I repent of my sends cause I thought I was going to die I looked in critical condition just like bishop but I force my self back to eating it was really hard my doctor told me to get back to eating beef chicken in fish and drink 3- 350 calorie insure every day the insure is really what kicked it off cause I could drink it just was difficult to eat but eating in sperts a little here and there and drinking the insure I came from 93 pounds to125 within 3 weeks after 3 More weeks I bloomed up to 157 not to be funny or anything 3 weeks after that my cousin came over said Rickey your weight and appearance is coming back he said I bet now if you smoke some weed it will give you the munchies and I bet you will be eating regular again after 4 weeks later I weight 300 hundred pounds my appearance was back ànd doing just fine with out the stress from the asbestos corporations eating well and controlling my weight I'm now 229 being I can eat regular now I mixed my food and raw veggies diet together like god say in the scripture a man can not live on bread alone we are mammals we have to have some meat in our diet also so I pray the bishop can eat and get his appearance back but he is going to have to work hard at it people is going to have to motivate him stay with him help him we all fall short of the glory of God I don't know what's going on in his personal life but god love him and he rains on the just as well as the unjust let's all pray that he gets better in the name of our creator that's in heaven that created all things the church of the true and living God aman

  6. hi hope you get my comment my name is rickey young I went on a wet diet in 2010 I did not diet the right way I was drinking VA juice and eating vegetables for about two months before loosing weight I wade 275 in the two months I was loosing I had not eat eny meat or candy or junk food like potatoes chips I lose weight tramendously I had got really sick from not eating for 2 months I got to ware I could not eat anything on top of that by not eating it gave me ulcer colitis it cause me to have to have six blood transfusions to restore my good cause by not eating it cause a hole to come in my gastrointestinal system I thought I was going to die so my family was on me pretty hard to force myself to eat my brother came over start cooking me solid foods to eat I had to force my self to. eat cause the doctor told me if I haven't eat by my next doctor's visit he would have to put a frame in my neck to feed me and that he was going to get a court order to do that with I also at the same time had asbestosis desease I steal have I was fighting against asbestos corporations also at the same time I had a lot of stress fysically and mentally so I repent of my sends cause I thought I was going to die I looked in critical condition just like bishop but I force my self back to eating it was really hard my doctor told me to get back to eating beef chicken in fish and drink 3- 350 calorie insure every day the insure is really what kicked it off cause I could drink it just was difficult to eat but eating in sperts a little here and there and drinking the insure I came from 93 pounds to125 within 3 weeks after 3 More weeks I bloomed up to 157 not to be funny or anything 3 weeks after that my cousin came over said Rickey your weight and appearance is coming back he said I bet now if you smoke some weed it will give you the munchies and I bet you will be eating regular again after 4 weeks later I weight 300 hundred pounds my appearance was back ànd doing just fine with out the stress from the asbestos corporations eating well and controlling my weight I'm now 229 being I can eat regular now I mixed my food and raw veggies diet together like god say in the scripture a man can not live on bread alone we are mammals we have to have some meat in our diet also so I pray the bishop can eat and get his appearance back but he is going to have to work hard at it people is going to have to motivate him stay with him help him we all fall short of the glory of God I don't know what's going on in his personal life but god love him and he rains on the just as well as the unjust let's all pray that he gets better in the name of our creator that's in heaven that created all things the church of the true and living God aman

  7. Eddie, you couldn't even be honest with the people and tell them you were ill and for everyone to please pray for you!! You got to be kidding me!! You're lying even in your last dying days, this simply means that you were never honest with the people. This is sad! Trust no one, but God!!

  8. I believe Vanessa (his wife) indirectly told everyone Eddie had Aids because when she publicly announced she was going to divorce him, she did it on December 1, 2011 which was world Aids day.

  9. these people are brainwashed by the Bible according to King James not according to Almighty God that's what you get music dressing up dancing in church pork alldevilish worship tighten up before you were slaves you had a God and he was not white


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