Eddie Long accuser arrested In Miami

A trooper pulled Jamal Parris over in Miami Beach. He was driving a 2011 BMW.


  1. I hope this young man is made whole soon. My heart and prayers go out to him. His hurt and anger and pain from fatherlessness and abuse from a false father has shattered his hope. I ask the Lord to restore all the years the locust has eaten. What was meant for evil I pray God turns it into good. It is my hope that this young man overcome the ramifications of the abuse by abusing himself. You do have worth, you do have value. You have a future to be a healer and an instrument of restoration for others because the love and the power of God in your life. I'm so sorry this has happened to you and all of you. Know that many others are rooting for you and praying for you and your victory. You are so loved!

    That pastor is to be pitied. God has stern warnings for shepherds who abuse the souls in their care. He does owe you and I hope one day can seek your forgiveness and express godly sorrow for the great injury he has done to your being which was meant to express God in the earth. He took that from you for his own lust and desire. God have mercy. If possible, slowly and painfully begin to pray for this pastor. It will not be easy at first — almost impossible. But push. I too was gravely injured by someone I trusted and loved. It nearly destroyed me. I was so sick with anger, hatred and bitterness that I began to experience torment. I remembered the scripture that torment comes with unforgiveness. To me this person was evil and did not deserve my forgiveness but I was stuck in a bitter place unable to move on. I remembered that Jesus died for me. I had done so much evil I did not know was evil before knowing Christ. But he died for me although I was evil. So this person who was evil toward me was really no different than I was. So since Jesus died for me in all my evil, to be like my Savior, should I not be him toward this person? God calls us to forgive. So in all my pain and anger, and hatred and bitterness, I began to pray. I was so hard. But each time, I could pray a little bit more for this person. Within months, I had begun to pray for this person as if I was praying for myself. Then I began to pray for this person to the place where I was in their place. I was the offender asking for forgiveness. This is what obeying God and wanting to be like him will do for us. Afterwards, the Lord gave me a series of dreams about this person. He showed me their true spiritual condition. I was so heartbreaking how wretched their condition. I felt true sorrow and mercy for them and began to pray with all of my heart. Months later the person would call me and express their sorrow the best way the could. Hang in there, God will bring you out. Do it his way, so you can go free and not allow the enemy to continue abusing you and stealing your life, your joy, your witness and your ministry. Please overcome, you be surprised how many want you to have the victory — need you to have the victory. Go forward and overcome in Jesus Name, I pray! God bless you.

  2. This is the kind of pastor that is produced from the false gospel that says Christ died for everyone, God loves everyone, and God wants to save everyone—its your choice…….that gospel I just described is a COUNTERFEIT gospel and 90% of professing Christians believe it because they are lazy, worship TV star preachers, and love getting their ears tickled.

  3. Sure I believe that Eddie Long did those awful things. But everyone feeling emotional towards this young, he may have told the truth and may have also fabricated some in his story. I feel that he also saw a chance to go after money and wanted to live the rich life. And karma is catching up to him. We may be hearing more and more of him in the news as time goes on.

  4. its a dam shame that these young brotha's mess up there lives over stupid shit like this…if you got serious money why in hell would you be stupid enough to drive around with that shit in the car…dam dam dam

  5. False flag,probably targeted,shadow people working with Eddie long,trying to discredit this guy,hasnt he suffered enough,if I was raped I'd need weed to,leave him be.Eddies dead today don,go rest your mind,Gods got this

  6. One stupid individual. He's not smart at all. More than likely it was a brand new car. He will be broke and back to homelessness in a few years spending like that. Money can be a blessings or a curse. SMH

  7. Sadly, he recounts how the Bishop taught him so much!? However, using a settlement to purchase a depreciating item & weed to flip, doesn't seem smart! Perhaps a condo purchase, to build equity & a sound investment, the legal kind would've made more sense!


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