Dreams I Never Had – A teenage girl held captive in the home of a wealthy family develops a dangerous friendship with their …


  1. It is very sad how people come to the USA 🇺🇸. And looking fir the American dream. But trest a child like a slave. This is not permitted in the USA. USA 🇺🇸 stands for freedom. If people who come here doesnt want tonlive by our laws. Should go back to the place they came from. As USA citizens. We need to uphold our laws and values. ❤

  2. ✍️ On Sunday mornings is my day off and I usually get up early have coffee and watch the Preaching of The Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and Read Scripture to start my day. But, this morning was different. As I went to YouTube to find my Preacher I found this movie instead and I would have normally turned instead I was led to watch. I thank God that I did bc I learned that this abuse happens in America to human beings just like this. I am so angry about it. I want to see Mercy and Judgement prevail against these Evils and Tryanny in the World. No Human being or living thing should be treated this way but should be treated with Love and Compassion. I am now rethinking my entire life of work. If I am ever a witness to anyone being mistreated or abusing any way shape or form I will get involved to the fullest extent. I can not be bought nor sold nor compromised. This is my public promise. Thanks to whomever loaded this movie and more Thanks to God for opening my eyes even moreso that I am more aware of these Evils.
    I am more than half way through the movie and I know it is not wise to comment until I've heard the whole matter but I think I am able to make a Sound Judgement and Righteous Judgement on the whole matter. Comment to be continued.

  3. I was pleased to see Layla Vindicated!! The father tried to do the right thing but waited entirely too long. Thankful for Emilio for being a special friend to Layla. I was even sad to see the mother gi to jail but it was right. Unfortunately, this world will continue to spin out of control until the KING OF KING comes this earth and sets up his Righteous Kingdom. Until them we All have work to do. God requires us to Love One Another as ee has Loved us snd given his own son for us to be a propitiation for the Remission of sin. That is why SIN must ne dealt with. Sin is the root to every evil work.
    My Father in Heaven, Your Kingdom Come, Your Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Amen🙏


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