1. Son of Mandate God's, like Father like Son, very Heartless Men. Why people are surprised after the death of Osinache, her own Pastor didn't show at her funerals. When a Church can announced only the birth, but never announced the death of people there is something fishy. If birth is part of life, how much death who his part of our life too. RIP for the family.
    This Mandate God Religion all about money, greed & proud.

  2. Oga that is reporting are u not ashamed of yourself..how can u call yourself a reporter and u dont do a work to gather proper information..u are busy saying with confidence wat u know u are not correct about

  3. No one can leave Jesus Christ because of what their pastors did … Such person's were not even SAVED and not born again…. How is that even possible for you to abandon Jesus because you saw your pastors doing evil ? Truly you nevered had Jesus Christ, all you were doing was following men not Christ..
    For this mansion churches all over the place, people really need to be watchful, not just prayerful …..
    God's church isn't about size but it's more about souls, salvation.
    These mega churches don't have members who are genuinely born again, people go there because they also want fame and prosperity not because they love Jesus Christ,.
    Ask the holy spirit for help before going to a church to worship, before you ask him,make sure you are leaving right with him otherwise another spirit will redirect you to a grave church.
    90% of All the mega churches you see in the world today belongs to Satan
    Pray and ask the Holy Ghost to open your eyes.

    If you are based in Nigeria and need a bible believing Church, worship with Brother Gbiles AKANNI Church, they are based in Gboko Benue State but have cell outreaches in almost all the Nigerian states.
    There your soul will be prepared for the arrival of our King Jesus Christ…
    Follow him also on social media and listen to his messages..
    Buy all his books and spend time studying them.
    Study your Bible also and create a personal timing for the Lord daily for studying, prayer and meditation..
    Brother Gbile is of God and the fruits of God's spirit is all over him.
    Pray and the Lord will direct you right.

    May the Lord help his chosen in Jesus name amen

  4. Hate generations always quick to condemn pastor paul eneche, he gose out for crusade u said he's traveling with members money, he heald the sick u said is stage miracle, he celebrate his own wife birthday u said he could have been mourning not celebrating una no day tire God go soon use scroll driver and scroll out all heater bad belle everywhere if he easy go do ur own, end time illiterates filled with angry spirit

  5. Madam gist I don't usually believe your propaganda because you are always running your mouth without concrete evidence,
    desperate to publish your trash to draw vulnerable, jobless and hapless social media gossipers and rumour mongers like you to your post just to make a living out of lies. An advice for you be very careful or else one day your mouth and this hurry to make money by whatever means even if it means defaming others will put i you into serious trouble. A word is enough for the Wise.

  6. Did you ask him? U did not fear and you are using your mouth to talk against the anointed man of God, will you be Justified b4 God? remember miraim Moses s, sister what happened to her, you better say sorry now , thank you

  7. May we be careful what we say about others. If the God he served did not save him, how could Enenche have saved him? God is the one who gives life not man, so there's no amount of billions that can save life.

  8. The way you so-called reporter is trying to paint PST PAUL ENENCHE black with so much confidence as if you are waiting for it and also driving joy in doing that. The Bible said, Do not Judge. Be guided.

  9. I am sad to hear about his death. May his soul rest in peace.
    Those that are criticizing Dr Paul Enenche should note these: Dr Paul is known for his humanitarianism and there is no way he would have neglected his brother. There are many orphans and widows under his care I believe he will do so to his late brother family if need be.
    2)What is more important is what you did to someone while he is alive and not what you do when he is dead. Our Lord Jesus Christ once told a man 'let the dead bury the dead…'

    My question now to his critics is how many of the poor have you single handedly helped this year ? If you do not have any then stop criticizing .


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