Dr Myles Munroe's last words

These are the last words of Dr Myles Munroe and they are very touchy, in this video, he emphasized the need for one to die when …


  1. This man was a heretic and a false teacher who preached a false gospel. Anyone who is willing to say “nobody cares about no blood on a cross” is not a man of God…he was an enemy of God and an enemy of the cross of Christ.

  2. If GOD had meant for man to fly he would have given him 💸 wing's!!! I once had a pheasant flush from beneath my feet which gained momentum going down hill, it hit a high voltage ⚡ power line, tumbled in mid air, almost hit the ground, recovered just before impact and continued on. Years later a helicopter going down the same hill hit the same power line, breaking all the wires and snapping off the top of one pole and he did come down hard chopping off the tail of the helicopter. The pilot walked away unharmed. A week later he was back with another upsidedown eggbeater tempting GOD to see if He would save him yet again.

  3. "His earthly presence is truly missed, however, he left us all with tremendous biblical teachings, that will be cherished for a lifetime" … Blessings always, Ms. Deborah J. Steele – 5/06/22

  4. He is an amazing teacher. Yah had him to drop his knowledge to his people. Dr Monroe did not fit in with the agenda. After viewing a few of his videos I would not be surprised if he started receiving threats. He would have been too powerful in today's time. But God allows the message to continue to live through everything, through his people into every listening ear.

  5. I just discovered him about a month ago . He was surely spirit filled . All his sermons and messages just shook me up. Just been about two weeks that I found out about his passing. He passed on with his beloved wife . Too much love to die apart which he wanted…just amazing.

  6. This is year 2023, January. This message is very refreshing for me. I haven't heard anything like this. It is very enlightening. Must listen carefully to this message again. This hits me: "you are carrying your own future in you…. Before you are born, God has finished it…. He puts a start date and finish date in you before you are born, with the purpose in you…'

  7. Is this truly his last words? This is unbelievable. He is such a man of God. Thank the Lord for Myles Munroe he has changed my way of thinking and truly delivered the kingdom of God to me in simple terms.

  8. I will always remember you apostle Monroe wherever you preached and teach you reminded me of the late Martin Luther King Jr.May your Spirit rest in the eternal peace of God amen.Your teachings imparts knowledge of God,inspires and are devotional.Thank you for your effort in building God's kingdom Amen.

  9. So I guess by his own definition it is good that God took him away from this earth, otherwise he would have taught 15 more years of this total nonsense…

    This has absolutely nothing to do with the Gospel of Jesus Christ…

  10. I started watching his sermons when I was a teenager and later on I had the privilege to meet Myles and his wife Ruth. I was impacted by their wisdom and humility then, I am still impacted . Thank God for this amazing teacher

  11. ❤🎉As Descendants of Abraham I'm in agreement with all Believers in the Royal Family of Faith according to God's Will and Purpose We Decree and Declare this Prayer is Answered Generationally in Jesus Name for His Name Sake Amen 😇🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🔥🙌🙌🙌🙌🔥💡 All Praise Honor and Glory be to God Our Father 💞 His Eternal love Protects Us daily!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Miles Munroe was a false teacher and a heretic. That's why he and his entourage was killed in a plane crash. In (2Pet.chap.2) it is written, it were better for them not to know the way of righteousness, than to turn away from the truth that was once delivered unto them.
    Miles Munroe said, don't preach Jesus, or the blood or the cross, your neighbors and schoolmates and coworkers don't want to hear that. He said to preach the kingdom.
    Are you kidding me? You can't make this stuff up.
    Paul said, we preach Christ and him crucified. It is written, without the shedding of blood, there is no remission for sins.
    Munroe said, that he met Creflo Dollar and gave him a suitcase full of money. Creflo said, hey man what are you doing? Munroe replied, I'm sowing a seed in your ministry so I can get a jet like yours.
    Well he got the jet,and God killed him and his entourage it.
    It is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living God, he is a consuming fire. God is not mocked.


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