Dr. Myles Munroe on Purpose.

Originally posted 2020-12-30 14:54:07. Republished by Blog Post Promoter


  1. Questions of the Human Heart
    1.) Who am I? – Identity
    2.) Where am I from? – Source
    3.) Why am I here? – Purpose
    4.) What can I do? – Potential
    5.) Where am I going? – Destiny

  2. Great impact in people’s lives. A key motivator in achieving our vision and goals by planning actions towards success. The great man of God. He left eternal legacy of the millennium.

  3. Praise God’
    Great speaker of God’ and a Great Man of God’ I need to get all his books and all of his sermons for study materials’ who knows how.
    Myles Munroe’ might be gone, but never forgotten….
    I love all his videos

  4. Your teaches are great and very powerful – bless GOD in your life Sir.
    Thanks for bringing a sound understanding to our minds.

    Appreciate your and God for every single blessing

  5. So so good, RIP Myles, great teacher. Hes sermons by the grace of God truly helped me become a better man when my earthly father couldn’t explain to me the values of life.


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