Dr. Myles Munroe | Techniques to Take Control of Your Subconscious Mind

Strategies that people can use to train their subconscious mind and achieve greater control over their thoughts and behaviors.


  1. Thank you for this video, There is so many things that are critical that need to be paid close attention to and warned against.
    But no one is warning regarding these things, I faintly see the prophecy fulfilled that the whole world is in the lap of the wicked one…So unaware.
    I spent a time in foster care under daily abuse and degradation around the age of five to ten.
    I was ruined mentally but I was not aware of this-A relative after some time took me and my siblings out of foster care.
    Then one day after her disciplining me she said I looked at her in a frightening way and she said I had demons and sent me to live with our grandmother.
    While there I got a hold of cd's and I begin to listen to them and this set the path for me to start listening to more music like this.
    the music entailed sex,violence,hatred,murder,coveting,and every other kind of evil as God has revealed to me.
    I had no discernment on what I was listening to and the dangers that my soul,heart, conscious and subconscious were in.
    I know for myself that this sermon is a crucial warning and we have a crisis in our country concerning this.


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