Do you want to win in life? Discover the secrets that Dr. Myles Munroe has to offer to help you achieve your goals. In this video, Dr.


  1. Godliness with contentment is great gain. If I have to work after 5pm till 2am,then get up to go to work the next day,when do I attend to my family and health? Both the keeper of Israel and I can't stay up. One must sleep and that's me.

  2. I start work at 8:00am and close at 5:30 pm. I get home at 8:00 pm and work Monday to Saturday. What time do I have to start my own? Don't even have time to watch TV. I don't know what to do anymore??

  3. What is going on .
    What shift has taken place ? That I know not of .
    Am I here to combat a blind battle. Is rhat just ? When Changes will take place over night that I don't know about .

  4. I'd say better replace TV (free time) in prayer, with God – we're not for eternity on the earth. Investing in your future would mean to spend more time with God so that at the end, you'll be for eternity with God. Our lives on the earth are short…

  5. If you're an evening person you can work 6pm-4am but if you're a morning person you can work 9am-5pm. It depends how you use your time bro. Time management is important in order to be successful.
    Get enough sleep so you can work effectively coz if you're body lacks sleep it becomes weak and it wont function especially your mind and body.

  6. This is actually not good advice. 8 hours of sleep each night are best for optimal and dynamic health. Sleep repairs body cells and tissues protects the body from Alzheimer's, Dementia, and a host of degenerative diseases. I would not sacrifice my health for ambition.

  7. I have my own business… And still working for someone else,that is from 6am to 4:30pm am done,just to relate to this… Many people fail to balance but this message is all essential to us all who still want to be successful,lets be disciplined.


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