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  1. PROS•PER•I•TY: the state of being prosperous.

    Prosperity is the state of being wealthy, or having a RICH and full life. An example of prosperity is a person who is living a rich and full life with all the MONEY and HAPPINESS he needs.

    Based on the above definition of PROSPERITY explains why most people worldwide are in relentless pursuit of prospering financially. It is a known fact that EVERYONE desires to be happy and most people truly believe that it can be achieved by attaining financial wealth. The heartbreaking reality is that MOST people worldwide are NOT in pursuit of knowing Christ. If it is true that receiving lots of money is the key to a HAPPY and fulfilling lifestyle, then WHY would a person desire Christ? Please try to understand that being happy and being blessed is TOTALLY different. The ILLEGAL drug dealers are some of the most wealthiest people in the entire world but would YOU consider them being blessed by God? They may be able to purchase TEMPORARY happiness with all of the corruptible things they can purchase with their ill gotten riches, but they are definitely NOT blessed…..and on the flip side, there are hundreds of LEGAL Fortune 500 companies worldwide that KNOWINGLY exploited their hard working underpaid employees to become very RICH, but would you consider them to be blessed by God? For the TRUE CHRISTIANS, our wealth is wrapped up in our FAITH IN CHRIST! Our pursuit of riches is winning the loss souls worldwide for the KINGDOM of God!
    I conclude by saying that it may not be scripture but it is DEFINITELY true, “ONLY what you do for Christ is ETERNAL.”

    📖 1 Timothy 6:18 📖
    Command THEM to do GOOD, to be RICH in good DEEDS, and to be generous and WILLING to share.

    📖 Mark 8:36 📖
    What good is it for someone to GAIN the WHOLE world, yet forfeit their SOUL?

    Pursuit Christ and YOU will receive true life and JOY!…and not temporary happiness.

    Sent with love, take care and God bless ❤️🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🕊🕊❤️❤️

  2. my mentor Dr myles gave the prophesy of the church today and people didn't catch It and here we are, its all in his materials and Thank God he found his gift and his purpose before reuniting with his father.

  3. Good afternoon! I've been searching for the bible version Dr. Myles Munroe used- Can anyone help me. Can you show me which version of the Bible he used? I would appreciate it. Thank you for your time..

  4. How ironic is it that this great Kingdom teacher perished in an alledgedly airplane accident? Don't think it strange when a messenger disappears mysteriously. Study the story of Stephen in the Bible. 🙏🏼


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