Dr. Munroe Reveals Man's Creation Secret with Bishop Oyedepo! @lfcww  Winners' Chapel International

The extraordinary moment when Dr. Myles Munroe delves into the profound revelation of man’s creation alongside the esteemed …


  1. Myles was a charlatan. Why do I say so? He made blasphemous teachings that are made not mentioned in scripture. This is what he said judge for yourself if it’s based on scripture.

    Who has dominion?
    A commonly-held belief among Word of Faith teachers has to do with “dominion.” That is, with who has power and authority in the universe. Both Judaism and Christianity teach that God is all-powerful, having created all that exists.

    In contrast, Word of Faith teachers like Munroe teach the opposite. They claim that God is subject to laws that limit His ability to act. Here’s a thumbnail sketch of the concept:

    God created Adam and gave Adam dominion over the earth.
    When he sinned, Adam lost dominion to Satan… locking God out of the earth.
    When Jesus died and rose again, mankind recovered that dominion.
    God cannot do anything on earth without permission from those who have dominion… that is, us.
    God could do nothing on Earth, nothing has God ever done on Earth, without a human giving him access. So he’s always looking for a human to give him power permission. In other words, God has the power, but you have the permission. God has the authority and the power, you’ve got the license. So even though God could do anything, he can only do what you permit him to do.
    This concept of God being unable to act without our permission obviously diminishes God and exalts humanity. God, according to Munroe, is powerless to act on His own. This limitation supposedly comes from God Himself. After making this law, He could not change it. According to Munroe and folks like Benny Hinn, God must act in accordance with it. Munroe taught that God was “illegal” on the earth, even to the point of naming the animals. Adam had to name the animals, he said, because God did not have dominion.

    Lastly, what does the invitation of Myles by Oyedepo tell us? It tells us Oyedepo approves of the teachings and is therefore also a charlatan false teacher. It is very difficult to convince believers who worship their pastors like Oyedepo that these preachers are lying to you. They teach good scripture then add poison blasphemy made up stuff not in scripture. The choice is yours we are told in the Bible to test everything

  2. I love Dr. Munroe but he is wrong here…. God (YHVH-Abba) did say, "Let us make man…" But The Father was not talking to Himself. The Father was talking to The Son. So the made (Asah) Man in our image (Shape/mold) and after our likeness (Countenance/Face). The Father and The Son made Man (Adam) out of the Dust of the Ground…! The Spirit God put into you is simply your life "SOURCE". That Spirit/Breath that is in you is not a means of Self Identification. It belongs to the Father, that's why when you die, "The Spirit goes back to the Father from which it came… (Ecclesiastes 12:7) " Because Life can't DIE. Scripture only ever refers to Human beings as, (Man)kind, Souls, and Dust. Scripture never calls man a spirit… Why? Because a disembodied spirit is a curse!

  3. Contrary to popular belief, Miles Monroe is a horrible teacher. This particular message is extremely problematic. In Genesis 1, God didn't speak to himself before making man. If he did, that compromise the Trinity.

  4. These words are not for everybody, it will take discernment to understand this man also these words are not ordinary, it took revelation to get here. Man must remain to its source to achieve full potential.


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