Watch these powerful sermons from the historic Morris Cerullo School of Ministry!


  1. This guy is as fake as they come, He reserves a great miracle every time you give your money for nothing, He can't pray you into heaven, He can only pray for your money, honest people praying to God through the devil,, well folks it's not gonna work, I hope you find this out before it's to late, aman,

  2. Thank you Father , for the double portion of anointing that has being place
    upon me by Prophet Morris Cerullo Hallelujah to your precious name Jesus Christ of Nazareth! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🩸🩸🩸🩸 Through the 🩸 of Jesus, I have been redeemed out of the hands of the 🩸

  3. Praise to God of Prophet Morris Cerullo
    for sending us these 7keys double double anointing. Thank God, thank to Prophet Dr. Morris Cerullo for he has used by God to everyone, by giving us guidance for the words of God. I love you Prophet Morris Cerullo, thanks for declaring the manifestation of the power of God and releasing to all people believers of Christ Jesus name. Believe and have faith, don't despise the prophetic words prophetic messages. Glory to God praises to God almighty.

  4. Just got this message when I felt bad my chest was congested I sort of how l going to pray for this feeling to go out of my chest l came across the 7secrets pillars am healed just what l wanted thank you brother cerello as am continuing studying at your college thank you and may God continue blessing you


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