Down on my knees – By Freddie Spires @nhomtdchuabangoi8660.


  1. My Jesus lifted up I had lots of trouble in life life I'm an alcoholic and a abuser or sex offender. This song lift me up and I'm sober now I fully Trust in Jesus Christ ? Amen Jesus is touching me and healing

  2. For Christ Jesus has arisen, no darkness in the entire world and the entire universe, for Christ Jesus has already been defeated death,, forever and ever, Amen, viva il pappa,, for Christ Jesus is the saviour of the entire world and the entire universe,, forever and ever, Amen,,

  3. I have completed secondary school and I don't have money to further my education for my families don't have silver spoon in their mouth but One thing that I know is that it's not yet over for those who knows how to bow their knees and call upon the name of Adonai will always have an advantage than those who just depends on their intellectual capabilities and arrogance. The Lord is not yet finish with me ???????

  4. As I watch, tears are streaming down my face. To God be the glory! My cancer was successfully treated. I believe in you God the Father Almighty and the Lord Jesus Christ; I trust you and have faith in you; I trust the process of life, the flow of life, and myself; I trust God's timing for my life; I trust the timing of the Universe; and I trust myself. I am so grateful for all the blessings after blessings and blessings every day that I achieve it all; I am so grateful for all the miracles and my presence; I am so grateful for everything that I have; I am so grateful to you for empowering me; I am so grateful to you for loving me for who I am; and I am so grateful to all my guardian angels for supporting me and guiding me and blessings me every day. I give thanks to the Universe for everything; I am thankful for the realizations of my life's mission; I am grateful for the realization of my dreams; I am grateful for the loving relationships in my life; I am grateful for my awareness; and I am grateful for the successes I have achieved. For my enlightenment, I am eternally grateful. Thank you for the opportunity to learn and develop.Just as I was about to give up, a woman I'd met at a lecture in Florida introduced me to a business. This wasn't the first time I'd heard of this sort of thing, but I decided to take the plunge and invest $1,000 nonetheless. C0NTACT@ rhq-portfolio, C0M After another 4 weeks of steady income, I committed to putting my funds to work for God. In the state of Maryland, people love me. I get great satisfaction in serving God. My thoughts are calm and happy. Even though things may feel hopeless right now, I am here to encourage you to keep fighting. There is no doubt that God will fulfill his promises to his children.

  5. Rueannhenry lord Jesus On behalf of donnalee sahadeo sungfietbeenemy has impersonate my voice togeter with familymwmbetsto hear my prayer Lead my cause holy spirit answer prayer Speedlly Trinidad forthe eeuy had Magnified in the ones d part and caysede Alot of pain inside of myvirginaiseet the enemy hid themselves demonic


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