Dowie's Doomsday to Branham's Angel

In August of 1950, William Branham introduced a claim that the formation of the Nation of Israel was spiritually connected to this …


  1. Always baffles me when people predict the "end of the world". What part of "No man knows the day our the hour…. " do these people not understand? It all goes back to pride. Some people just want to be super "special" and above all others.

  2. William branham never supported polygamy… that is your failed carnal mind speaking not understanding what he said….

    Marriage and divorce is about why paul said a man can remarry and a woman can't remarry….and bro branham gave the reason or basis for that which was the polygamy covenant which punishes the woman not the man….

  3. Isn't it strange how WMB threw around dates that were so easily verified or proven wrong? I've always wondered about that. He seems so calculating and manipulative and then he gets something so obviously wrong. Strange!!

  4. Leave the message alone you don’t know anything about the Bible criticism is not what you should be doing today respect the men of God and leave us alone what do you say when God said to someone his going to die and then changed by adding him 15 years ? What do you say when God told a prophet to walk out nude in Jerusalem? What do you say when Moses Killed an Egyptian? Why don’t criticize the Bible? Bro May God have mercy on you


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