Dowie's Den of Death

John Alexander Dowie is called an “apostle” by Roberts Liardon. In his book “God’s Generals,” Liardon gives Dowie high praise …


  1. as usual absolutely fascinating.. im involved in exposing false teachers. what struck me was how alike this man is to Benny hinn and others of his ilk right now.. i have studied Charles Parham but until i saw your video about him. i had no idea of how completely evil he was.. thanks Longfortruth. i look forward to your next video . the lord bless you. i will be sharing your video Laura

  2. What did Ms. Judd die from? Sounds horrific!
    Although the reactions of her own husband and the “Dr” (funny how he rejects Drs and yet calls himself one) are even more horrific.

  3. Liardon was brought up near Oral Roberts ( hence his name Roberts Liardon) and Kenneth Hagin, taught by them probably and Lester Summerall. They all recognise the likes of Alexander Dowie and other notable fake healers. Oral Roberts was a fake healer. Nothing you can say to the Prosperity Gospel , Word of Faith, NAR preachers will change their minds,they all have their own following and spread their fake gospel throughout the world . Roberts Liardon is a personal friend of Benny Hinn , another fake healer , and Liardon is now claiming himself to be an " apostle " along with other dangerous people like Bill Johnson,Todd Bentley,Shirley Arnold and countless others. Millions follow these Pentecostal vipers , their following throughout the world is 2nd to the Roman Catholic doctrine.

  4. Is this trying to be an informative video? It is just your personal opinions that you are trying to substantiate with few articles. The articles themselves are not at all enough for any conclusions on this man. What about the healings that have happened and have been documented. By the way, if somebody is pronounced incurable, why is Dowie's crime if the person dies? And why are you not talking about the medical profession in terms of "all they want is your money, they don't care about you". Which doctor or hospital attends to you for free? There are plenty of articles on people that have been healed,, how come you are not showing? If just one person was indeed healed by Dowie's prayer is more than how many your prayers got healed, since you don't believe in faith healing. Was David not a murderer and a bad father, and yet God used him and we read the psalms that God gave through him. When this man got hold of God's promise to heal, and did not let it go, healing happened. But we see plenty of mess that this man caused when he walked according to his own mind. Really, we can see the mess any of do without God, does not add anything to our lifes to laugh at others. But to ignore God's power through this man, will make you loose out of great lessons in both what to do and not to do.

  5. How awful these men/women are. Dowie was a very sick, evil man. Not getting help to these poor souls who were obviously needing a doctor, is criminal to me. Great video

  6. These false teachers upset me greatly. It's frustrating that people are more interested in physical healing, rather than Salvation. Some people think they are unsaved, when they aren't physically healed. All of those false teachers need to be called out. They are leading people astray.

  7. In addition to the faith healers, let's not forget the phony "doctors" and "professors," who advertised extensively in newspapers of that time, who sold elixirs that were a cure all for all physical maladies. I saw some of those ads in the newspapers that you featured in this video. Yes, in addition to phony faith healers, there were phony doctors who made very good livings selling "colored water" placebos to dumb, unsuspecting people who had the same high regard for doctors as they did faith healers. Apparently there were no established medical societies at that time to oversee what was being sold to "cure everything."

  8. Just got a book about a monk now known as 'Saint Porphyrios' (in the Orthodox Church). He was a humble man and healings took place through prayer on occasion. God can heal but we don't need rich, greedy fraudsters.

  9. I’m shaking, just found this video. I’ve researched Dowie in the past. Found such extreme info, I didn’t know what to believe. My Family life story I do know & believe. I’m a daughter of mother & grandparents from Dowie world. This explains a lot but also concerns me greatly as this Dowie healing world affects my family to this day & I’m shunned as I’m not healed still….maybe the beginning of my healing is here, with truths? No wonder such shunning when my grandparents moved to easier climate for my mother’s health wouldn’t take another Illinois winter the Medical Drs warned. Wow, they went completely against Dowies teaching to save my mom! My grandmas mom & sister both died, neither healed @this Zion, Dowie School of healing & evangelism.
    You’re correct, it’s the person that doesn’t get healed that’s to blame & much abused! Thank you for Historical info & truths.

  10. Heard a group of this sect local to us lost a child because they were hostile to doctors and simple medication, very sad. Even Paul prescribed medication to young Timothy what makes us think we are more special?


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