John Alexander Dowie was the prototype for the fraudulent faith healers of the early Pentecostal movement. In this video, I talk to …



    A simple study to see the differences between all 41,000 Christian denominations will show ONLY MINOR differences BUT a close look at the CORE BELIEFS know as "The profession of Faith" of each of the 41,000 denominations will show they are EXACTLY THE SAME……
    Protestant also includes ALL of the 41,000 denominations baptists , SDA, Pentecostal , Methodist, Assemblies of God and on and on AND ALL of the 41,000 ..
    In the 4th century of the Roman Empire Constantine who himself thought he was a god, was frustrated at all the pagan religions springing up in Rome that caused bloodshed and division and knew he could not just kill and continue to persecute all the Christians SO HE decided to bring them all together in ONE UNIFIED "UNIVERSAL" ROMAN CHURCH….
    The word "catholic" literally means "universal" .. The Latin word is catholicus, and in Greek it is katholikos.. The word in English can mean "including a wide variety of things"= universal , all-embracing= universal .
    The Cult of Isis, an Egyptian mother-goddess religion, was absorbed into Christianity by replacing Isis with Mary. MARY was then given the titles that were used for Isis, such as “Queen of Heaven,” “Mother of God,” and theotokos(“God-bearer”) were given to Mary…. The "SUN" worshippers were included and became "SON" worshipers OF THE GOD MARY BORE !

    Constantine absorbed all the gods of love, the god of peace, and the gods of joy into ONE GOD CALLED "THE FATHER" and consolidated the gods of war, the gods of strength and the gods of wisdom INTO ONE god called "THE SPIRIT"…

    The pagan Jewish belief of "ABRAHAMS BOSOM" became "PURGATORY" and "ETERNAL TORMENT" was added to fill people with fear and fully obedient to Rome and its increasing demands for" MONEY and Power…..


    In AD 313 Constantine lifted the ban or Christianity and in AD 325 Constantine called the Council of Nicea and formally launched "THE ROMAN UNIVERSAL CHURCH" made up of the bastardisation of Christianity and the demonic pagan cults of early Rome. Constantine made an EDICT (an official order or proclamation) THAT ALL future doctrine MUST REFLECT THE TEACHING OF ROME… ..

    Today THE CORE BELIEFS of early Rome are STILL TAUGHT in every single one of the worlds 41,000 denominations …
    THERE ARE 3 gods The Father is a god the son Jesus is a god the spirit is a god and Mary is the mother of ALL THE gods……
    1/The Father god of love
    2/ The spirit god of wisdom
    3/ the "SUN" god now called "THE SON" CHANGED FROM ZEUS TO JESUS……
    4/ ALL the gods have a mother called "MARY" Jesus the SON god is born of Mary…
    5/ The Father god (OF LOVE) will torment you forever IF YOU DO NOT OBEY HIM……
    The Bible speaks of a "THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS" or "whore" church has many daughters. The Protestant and her 41,000 denominations are the harlots daughters as she has 3 gods and the 41,000 protestant denominations are "the many daughters" of the "harlot and whore church system" of Revelation 17.

    The mother of Revelation 17 is the Roman Catholic church and her harlot daughters are ALL the 41,000 Protestant denominations..

    The Creators word the bible also warns us that the "harlot and her daughters" will be dressed in "purple and scarlet" the exact colours that bishops and cardinals wear in both the catholic and protestant church ..!!!




    HOW TO BE TRULY SAVED 1/ Keep the first Commandment NO OTHER gods Except the Creator of all flesh Yahweh

    2/ Believe in the second Adam the Saviour THE MAN Yeshua who was born of a women A FLESH AND BLOOD MAN AND NOT A god and that he lived on earth and died sinless for your sins AS THE SWCOND AND FINAL ADAM and was RAISED FROM THE DEAD BY THE CREATOR YAHWEH The Creator of all flesh (Romans 10:9)

    The fact that all the worlds Christian denominations are now pagan backs up the teaching of Jesus Christ that "THE END TIMES" would be the same as "IN THE DAYS OF NOAH" WHEN THE WHOLE WORLD WAS ALSO PAGAN except for "a few" ………
    Time to wake up Church …THERE WILL NOT BE A NEXT TIME !!!
    Taken from the FREE book “What every person should consider now”. A fully interactive and simple to read book that is not part of any church or any denomination allowing the writer to tell the absolute truth and shame the devils pagan church and his lies in the last days
    .Get your FREE copy at

  2. Uebert Angel name dropped this guy and Branham amongst others in a recent show, literally listing out all the ones in Defining Deception by Costi Hinn, and decreed to god that he was gonna be better than all them combined. SMH.

  3. My faith was almost shipwrecked by teaching in this movement. I was challenged by a Baptist ministry to look at the roots of the Pentecostal movement and teaching on tongues. I was afraid to test it because I didn’t want to “blaspheme the Holy Spirit”. Fear is huge in keeping control and not coming to the knowledge of the truth within the movement yet the Bible teaches to test everything: test teachers, prophecies, apostles, doctrines.. When I began to study the history of the Pentecostal church I discovered the roots were bad. The doctrines that came out of the movement are false. The Bible tells us to test doctrine and godliness/character to determine if a teacher or prophet is true. I’ve been persecuted within the church because I went to leaders after testing the doctrine and the character to share what I learned and I was attacked, humiliated, and condemned but my concern was never addressed with the Bible or in a Biblical way. I had difficulty recovering after leaving because I was a baby. Christian struggling with not wanting to disobey or question authority. Looking back there was a wrong use of and teaching on authority. Gods authority is meant for our edification and our good and wisdom from above is peaceable and true and is handled with gentleness, humility and patience. I’m struggling to find a church because of ecumenism, I want nothing to do with this after coming out of it. Thank you for sharing this because it’s been a struggle for me and it affirms that this whole thing was not of God.

  4. I would love to read the book, but your way of discussion was so biased.. I understand there are many values points that you have put forth.. but both of you seem so sceptical towards the faith .. I still believe God works, these men doesn’t define God’s work.. jus a thought.. disappointed..

  5. My early years in church was Oneness Pentecostal and latter AOG. I got saved in a little Independent Baptist church years later and I can say now, that I never heard the gospel in these two Pentecostal churches. I only heard about tongues, healings, miracles, and having the Holy Ghost with power. If I had died durning those days I would have gone stright to Hell. So thankful God had someone out there who showed me how to get saved from a good King James Bible.

  6. The connection you laid out with the mob is pure gold.The Full Gospel Businessman's Association has one convert who WAS a mafia hitman implicated in a triple murder in Indio CA concerning a casino ( Jimmy Hughes). He got 'saved' at an Association luncheon and now has a drug rehab and church, complete with orphanage in South America… Nothing personal, it's just business- another arm of the octopus.

  7. You ask a question about news in the newspaper.. I am 76 and I can tell you how it was gotten..there was a person in the neighborhood that knew what was going on and people told this person what was going on so if Sadie had supper with John and they brought the dog it went in the paper for their community..probably wanted to see their name in paper…that’s how we knew..

  8. I pastor a Pentecostal church now and have been pastoring , teaching and preaching since the late 70’s , the lord saved me in a small Pentecostal church and I attended my growing years under a wonderful Pentecostal pastor who taught sound biblical truth , the Branhams were kooks and way out there , later I had some of them attend my church and they were kooks and didn’t stay very long thank God ! But to you who have been hurt in Pentecostal churches I’m sorry but this has happened for generations, we have preachers who do not use good wisdom in ministry,

  9. The devil has made a mockery of the church , on one hand the church has become an entertainment center no different from the discos and bars in most Pentecostal settings . On the other hand in the conservative settings these entertaining videos also keep coming out with juicy details of other peoples mistakes . Very different from what the church did in Acts 2:42 “they devoted themselves to the apostles teaching , fellowship , breaking of bread and prayer” . Let’s go back to the original church practices , If Jesus and the apostles did not do what we do , let’s think twice before we embrace it

  10. I would dispute your discription of men such as A.A. Allen, William Branham, and John G. Lake as "early Pentecostal leaders". That title should be reserved for men such as Charles Parham, whether I like or not he was, Seymour, Mary Woodworth-Etter, E.N. Bell, Howard Goss, Frank Ewert, William Durham, R.E. McCallister, Andrew Urshan, and G.T. Haywood. These later arrivals were Latter Rain to early Charismatics, and few, if any, Pentecostals availed themselves of their fellowship. Although Branham is often classified as being Oneness Pentecostal, if his group does appear in a list it is with an asterisk as his doctrines are unpalatable to any student of the word, but most regard him as being "one of us" more by happenstance than actually holding any doctrine in common and he is routinely dismissed as being firmly in the doctrinally aberrant Latter Rain with Allen.

  11. I beg your pardon for creating a second statement separate from the first, but I did not want one issue to crowd the other as I view both to be important.

    You mentioned that Charles Parham was alone with a young black man with whom he is later accused to have engaged in unnatural congress, ostensibly at the instigation of Voliva in Zion. I must dispute the claim that this was without perhaps some basis on the account that was recorded by Howard Goss, an early disciple of Parham.

    In THE WINDS OF GOD, (capitals are substitutes for italics with my deepest apologies,) by Ethel Goss taken in part from the journals of Howard Goss, in chapter 10, page 134 in the 1998 edition, the second paragraph states,

    "One of our leading ministers fell into an awful sin, which turned out to be only a temporary affair. He repented, confessed, was forgiven, and afterward lived an exemplary life so far as I ever heard. However, this discouraged our Texas workers so that mostvof them left the field and went home…After this happened, there were no more workers to oversee."

    There are few names so prominent that could cause such devastation with a sin that just happens to be situated in Texas, and a name so painful that Howard Goss would parse his words so delicately, especially as he is not reputed to have been a man of such inclinations. Further, in yet another work, I believe THEIR STORY: 20TH CENTURY PENTECOSTALS by Fred Foster, the scandal is unpacked a little further, along with Parhams being stripped of all ministerial authority in a meeting in which Howard Goss took part, but minutes or significant details remain.

    For this reason, no matter the exact specifics, it does seem that most ministers believed that Parham was guilty of at least some lewd behavior even if the details have been lost to history.

    Further, it seems from most accounts of those who knew Parham that he did not start off to be an Alexander Dowie, but between 1904 and 1905 lost sight of his original mission and attempted to be the heir of Dowie, perhaps believing that the early leaders of the Pentecostal leadership would back his move, though apparently few if any did. It is also a mark of his pride that before this he accepted or claimed for himself a few grandiose titles, though they were stripped from him at the meeting.

    Therefore, it is known that there was something to the allegations as they were believed of him by those whom he had brought into the ministry as they essentially all but removed him from the ministry leaving him then with a few small works scattered through Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Missouri and barely a footnote in the history of the movement.

  12. God bless ! i am in a family of pentecostal ,i assit to a pentecostal church i agree whit you not all pentecostal are bad people welove the lord and i fell sad about thist people that take advanage of aour faith and make a bussnes whit the gospel , keep doing this work god bless all ❤️

  13. It is a well-known fact of history that a white lady was jealous of the anointing that fell on William Seymour and because of her jealousy and the racism of that day, she went about printing false accusations in the newspaper about William Seymour and tried her best to discredit his testimony but his ministry and testimony kept growing and getting stronger and stronger because the Holy Spirit does not submit his power to a jealous white person nor does he submit his power and authority to those who scoff at his power and authority. I'm not defending others I'm making a statement about William Seymour so don't put words in my mouth like you often do with others. William Seymour was basically at the heart of the Azusa Street Revival and he insisted upon holiness and he also insisted upon sound Doctrine. God does not pour out his spirit and operate in accordance to the dictates of a man which is why the religious people of Jesus day accused him of blasphemy and accused him of all manner of evil and it was because they could not trace him in Scripture and they basically accused him of everything that you all accuse charismatics of which I find very interesting and not at all surprising. Not every charismatic is a Kenneth Copeland or a Benny Hinn. The word Charis means Grace so if you deny being a charismatic believer than you are in fact saying that you deny the grace of God and you are still under the law of God. The law is a schoolmaster it is not salvation because if the law could save then Jesus would not have went to the cross. The Bible says we preach Christ and Christ crucified. Those who scoff at the Charis or grace of God which is in fact the Cross of Christ, will often the law instead of Grace because Grace is not something that can be taught. Grace is the gift of God it is not something that can be taught. We learn and grow in Grace after receiving the Charis of God. I'm not defending dowie nor am I defending any other charismatic but I am making this comment because I have watched multiple videos where a religious white lady during that time, was so jealous of the ministry that God gave to William Seymour that she used her white Authority to attack that black man and did everything she could to discredit him even calling his ministry evil or demonic and that is precisely what you guys are doing right now. The children of Satan are fully capable of knowing the word of God and could even explain it in great detail but what they do not have is the knowledge of God combined with the Charis of God which is in fact equal to the power of God and that is what Satan lusts for and so do his children. The Bible makes it clear that there are two groups of people one group is the children of God and the other group is the children of Satan. The children of God have received the Charis of God and the children of Satan transform themselves into messengers of light because they deny the true power of God that is only received through the Cross of Christ. Again your referencing of old newspapers does not prove anything at all because of that white woman who used her white Authority to attack the black man who had no standing based on his race and she was so jealous of his ministry and how God was using him that she took out full page articles in major newspapers saying and doing everything she could to discredit him and many people believed her. Interesting though that the ones who believed her were also the scoffers of God's power and the religious of that day much like it is today. I agree that some of what you report has some truth to it but much of what you report is just simply scoffing at God's grace. If the grace of God could be explained and if the grace of God could be of an intellectual pursuit than Jesus never would have had to go to the cross. How is that confusing to you? Of course the Bible makes it clear that the children of Satan do not have the Charis or the grace of God therefore they are not able to understand and so they pursue God through intellectual means and then they usually use what knowledge they think they have gained to attack those who are truly in relationship with God. Notice that there's not even one charismatic who attacks the non-charismatic? It's because those who are in relationship with God are busy with God and they don't have time to scoff at unbelievers. It would be the equivalent of the CEO of a company walking away from his responsibilities and going to throw pebbles at someone who was throwing rocks at his window, LOL. You need to get real serious in your prayer life and before you make any more videos you need to get on your knees and ask The God Who created heaven and earth if your position is correct or not otherwise you are storing up the wrath of God with every word you speak. Notice that in the New Testament the only people that Jesus was angry with were those who rejected his true Charis and was trying to insist that the law was the way to Salvation. Notice also that it was those same Jews who accuse Jesus of blasphemy and it was them who insisted upon his judgment and death. Then it was those same Jewish zealots zealous for the law who attacked and had the disciples killed. Interesting how people who claim to be adherents of God's law are attacking those who claim to be living by God's grace. Again, I would just like to point out that there are hundreds of channels on YouTube of people attacking charismatics but there is not even one charismatic who is willing to spend God's grace to fight a powerless enemy. Doesn't that say something to you? Maybe you could apply some wisdom and ask God to help you understand. Check out the historical records of the jealous white people who tried to discredit William Seymour by posting articles in major newspapers because they were jealous of his ministry but God protected him and they ended up with nothing.

  14. My name is Avram Yehoshua and I gave my life to Jesus in 1975. I’ve been a pastor since 1983, having been through the MDiv program at Oral Robert’s University.

    The Two Triangles consist of three Scripture verses each that the Lord Jesus, Paul, John, and the Book of Hebrews present concerning how Christians should walk out their faith in Jesus of Nazareth. They reveal the biblical way to follow Jesus Christ; not Church Way. If you can, try and disprove the concept that the six Scriptures within the Two Triangles present, not by bringing up Scripture outside the Triangles that you might think negates it, but by trying to expose any flaw you see in my reasoning about them. If you cannot, then my understanding is valid and should lead you to reconsider how you walk out your faith in Christ. The First Triangle’s three Scriptures are:

    1. The Apostle Paul states, “And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence.” (Col. 1:18)
    2. Hebrews declares, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” (Heb. 13:8)
    3. The Apostle John writes, “He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked.” (1st John 2:6)

    If Jesus is our Head and we are His Body, and He is the same today as He was back in Israel 2,000 years ago, and John states that we’re ‘to walk just as He walked,’ shouldn’t we be keeping Passover and the other Feasts of Israel, as well as the 7th day Sabbath, just as Jesus did and also, not eating unclean animals like pig, shrimp, lobster and catfish? If Jesus had eaten bacon just once He would have been a sinner (Lev. 11:7).

    The Second Triangle speaks of the Gentiles being part of the Israel of God (Gal. 6:16), and so it seems obvious that they should be keeping the same rules and laws that God gave to Israel, just as Jesus and all His Apostles did all their lives (cf. Rom. 3:20, 31; 7:7, 12, 14; 11:13-29).

    1. Jesus says there are Two Flocks and that He will make them one Flock: “And other sheep I have (Gentiles), which are not of this Fold (Jews). Them also I must bring, and they will hear My voice, and there will be One Flock and One Shepherd.” (Jn. 10:16; cf. Lk. 2:32; Is. 42:6; 56:6-8)
    2. The Apostle Paul writes that Gentile Christians are grafted into the Olive Tree known as Israel: “For if you were cut out of the olive tree which is wild by nature, and were grafted contrary to nature into a cultivated olive tree, how much more will these, who are natural branches, be grafted into their own olive tree?” (Rom. 11:24)
    3. Paul also speaks to the Gentiles and says, “Therefore remember that you, once Gentiles in the flesh—who are called Uncircumcision by what is called the Circumcision made in the flesh by hands—that at that time you were without Christ, being aliens from the Commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the Covenants of Promise, having no hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.” (Eph. 2:11-13)

    If there is one Flock composed of both Jewish and Gentile believers in Christ, and Paul states that the Gentiles have been grafted in among them in the domesticated Olive Tree (Israel; Rom. 11:17), and he writes that Gentile Christians are part of the Commonwealth of Israel, how is that the Church meets on Sunday, Easter and Xmas, and eats unclean animals that were, and still are sin for Jesus, and therefore, His Body to eat? Why don’t Christians keep the Days and Ways of her Savior? 25 years after the Resurrection (Acts 21:20) the Jewish Christians were keeping Mosaic Law. Are there two different sets of rules for the Lord’s One Flock? I know there are Christians who will try and counter what I’ve presented with other Scriptures from the New Testament that they think overthrow the implication of the Two Triangles, like we’re “no longer under the Law,” but the problem with that is twofold. Aside from the pure simplicity of the New Testament Scripture that I’ve listed that presents Mosaic Law as God’s Way to walk out our faith in Christ, Christian understanding of what it means to no longer be under (Mosaic) Law is not biblical. (See No Longer Under the Law? at, and The Feasts of Israel and the Church

    If the 7th day Sabbath had been done away with by the Resurrection of Jesus on Sunday, wouldn’t God have placed at least two Scriptures to this monumental paradigm shift somewhere in the New Testament? Nowhere in the New Testament does it say that Sunday replaced the Sabbath, something we’d expect since God gave it to Israel in Exodus 16, which is even before Mt. Sinai and the Ten Commandments (Ex. 20). Israel had kept the Sabbath for more than 14 centuries by the time of Christ, and in Mark 2:28 Jesus states that He’s the Lord of the Sabbath. What Scripture declares He’s Lord of Sunday? (See Sunday—The Catholic Sabbath at

    If Easter (or Resurrection Sunday as some like to call it, trying to distance themselves from Rome’s pagan Easter) has replaced Passover (and the other Feasts of Israel; Lev. 23; Mt. 26:1ff.; 1st Cor. 5:6-8), where does God say that in the New Testament? Easter isn’t even mentioned in the New Testament, let alone observed by anyone. (The KJV has Easter in Acts 12:4, but the Greek reads Paska (Passover). All other Bibles correctly have Passover.)

    The same holds true for Xmas. No mention of it whatsoever. That’s because Sunday, Easter and Xmas, the eating of unclean animals and anti-Mosaic Law theology came into Christianity by the fiat of Pope Sixtus in 120 AD—not Jesus nor any of His Apostles. (See A Snapshot of Church History and Mosaic Law at

    Sunday, Easter, Xmas and the eating of unclean animals is Roman Catholic tradition that nullifies God’s Word (cf. Mt. 15:1-3). Rome’s Days and Ways have nothing to do with Jesus and His Days and Ways. And yes, I know all about Peter’s Vision (Acts 10), and what Jesus allegedly said, “declaring all foods clean” (Mk. 7:19), and also, what Paul wrote about eating foods (Rom 14:1ff.; 1st Tim. 4:4-5). There is no biblical justification for eating unclean foods like bacon and ham. Jesus is still Jewish, as He Himself declares to John at least 60 years after the resurrection: “I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things in the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star” (Rev. 22:16 NKJV). It really doesn’t get ‘any more Jewish’ than Jesus saying He is the Root and Offspring of King David. (See Law 102 at and Romans 14 and the Dietary Laws at

    Concerning Mosaic Law and the Jewishness of Jesus, the angel Gabriel told Mary that Jesus would sit on the Throne of His Father David and rule over the House of Jacob (Israel) forever:

    “Then Gabriel said to her, ‘Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. Behold! You will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son and shall call His name Yeshua (Jesus). He will be great and He will be called the Son of the Most High God, and the Lord God will give Him the Throne of His Father David and He will reign over the House of Jacob forever, and of His Kingdom there will be no end!’” (Luke 1:30-33)

    Jesus will return to rule for a thousand years from this earthly Jerusalem (Rev. 20:4-6; Ezk. 40ff.), and Mosaic Law will be the rules (Days and Ways) that all Christians will live by because as Paul states, Mosaic Law is holy and spiritual (Rom. 7:12, 14) and without it we don’t know the full extent of what sin is in God’s eyes (Rom. 3:20b; 7:7, 12, 14). In the Lord’s Kingdom, Mosaic Law will be established as the rules and laws for all Christians (Rom. 3:31; cf. Is. 66:23; Ezk. 40–47; Zech. 14:16; Acts 21:20-24f.; 25:8).

    The Two Triangles are New Testament Scripture after the Resurrection that reveal that Jesus wants you to follow Him His Way—not the Pope’s Way nor the way of any pastor who teaches against this Way of Christ. Please pray about this and consider changing your allegiance from Rome to Jerusalem. Jesus wants His Bride to throw off Rome’s Days and Ways. As God says about the Roman Catholic Church: “Come out of Her, My people! Lest you share in Her sins and receive of Her plagues!” (Rev. 18:4) Let’s discuss this further, unless of course you’d rather follow the Pope than Jesus. By the way, “the Lord’s Day” Rev. 1:10) never equates to Sunday in the NT. That’s Roman Catholic heresy.

    Blessings from Above,
    Avram Yehoshua
    Minister and Senior Elder


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