Don't Try To Manage People!!(Must Watch) | Dr.Myles Munroe

Don’t Try To Manage Human, Never Try To Manage People, “You can Manage things because they never change but Human …


  1. People have a body, soul and spirit. The soul is tri-part (mind, emotion and will). The soul is the driving force of our behavior/actions. We receive stimuli from our senses which relays information tour minds, that influences our emotions resulting in our actions which feeds our spirit. Consequently, what is fed and deposited into our spirit will determine the type of fruit that is produced in our physical body and our daily lives.

  2. Elijah didn’t make an arrogant assertion that he was the best that God had. Prophets were being slaughtered and others begin to worship Baal. Elijah despairingly mourned for the desolation. God comforted him by telling him that there were 7000 who hadn’t bowed to Baal. The message was that God is in control and you always have brethren even when it seems the contrary


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