Don't Say My Name (2022) | Human Trafficking Shocking Movie similar to Sound of Freedom

If you were moved by Sounds of Freedom, watch Don’t Say My Name! Inspired by true events, Don’t Say My Name tells the story …


  1. Why does Arthur the 14 year old girls boyfriend look like he is in his 40's, 😂, casting gone really wrong, LOL, he looks older than his girlfriends mother by 5-10 years.

  2. What an amazing story. I cannot believe that this is happening here in America. We all have to pray for our children and all of the children that are being trafficked. thank you for sharing this movie.

  3. HOWEVER extreme this sounds, the punishment for this atrocious act against innocent human beings needs to be treated as a high crime and met with the highest possible penalty (this is my opinion as a Mother that raised her son safely to adulthood).
    edited for word correction.

  4. The United States of America 🇺🇸 under Biden regimen is the # 1seller of children and sex trafficking..and now Mutation of children. California law now they can take your child from schools and you may never see them again…pedophilia will Never be accepted or normal..Death sentence is the only way..

  5. Wes Moast the youtuber is a sex trafficker. I didnt believe it for years and thought women were lying until he blackmailed me and sent me adult toys and had me make videos for him. I didnt have a gun held to my head I was coerced and no one will listen. I thought the girls who accused him were crazy. Now I am one of the “crazy” ones. He is also chris hansens assistant producer so it goes way bigger than people know. They have connections at google and silence young women. One of his victims was 23. I was 28.

  6. “god can help” 🙄 where is be during the abuse or when people are dying. Babies? So god believes babies deserve to be hurt and murdered? get oughta here with religous delusions

  7. Trafficked people don't have access to a therapy programme depicted in the film nine times out of ten. Reality is that the trafficked person is usually returned to the source; that's the lucky ones who've lived. This film paints a glossy Hollywood parady.

  8. Are they victims? Yea. Did they make bad decisions? usually. Can it be stopped? Probably not, because there is sin in the world. People need to acknowledge that and live accordingly. Ironically when the new world order takes place pretty soon and everyone is given a chip that will be used to buy and sell everything and track everyone, it may be the answer to trafficking. It will also be the total loss of freedom.

  9. God controls shit .the God people want to humanize is just pure consciousness…an energy only.Not some vending machine that spits out favors and answers prayers.Time to grow up kids and shed the mythologies…ie all religions.😉😵‍💫😖

  10. So hey wo..why don't we go after the " pigs" who use these children.The so called " clients" the fat , ugly, smelly and everything in between…harsher laws.Bring back death penalty..!! Something major to deter these slime balls.!!! Ughh

  11. " You don't give me more you know I can take" lol lol lol 😆 😂 🤣 😅 I guess that explains all the suicides each and every day..ooops God gave them more than they could take
    .oops another f##@$$ myth…of religion..


  13. The cops should be allowed to do whatever it takes to catch & punish these terrible greedy people who sell children. Nothing should be illegal if it will capture & punish them to the max—NO PAROLE.

  14. Along with bringing awareness to a horrendous crime against humanity, this movie/documentary also has such a beautiful redemptive outcome showcasing that what satan intends for evil, God can turn around for good in a life. Excellent movie! Thanks for sharing and bringing more awareness to this!

  15. I’m glad this film was shared. For all the victims out there. Please, always remember that God loves you and do not give up on yourself. With Jesus in your heart you will over come all evil and rejoice in heaven one day for all that you’ve been through for his glory AMEN✌️


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