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  1. John 14:9 (KJV) 9 “he that hath seen me hath seen the Father.” And to know the Holy Ghost is to know Brother Blake., and to know the Holy Ghost is in each one of us, ready to "destroy the works of the devil." Amen

  2. I don't know if this was a "revelation". But I was thinking about the story of the Shulamite woman, as Pastor was talking about it, and thought, why did her son even die? Then I felt in my spirit that it was because she told the profit, "Don't lie". Her lack of faith "did" have an effect on the child. But her faith was renewed after experiencing the word from the prophet had come to pass (that she would have a child). Now she had faith in the word that the prophet spoke and even realized, perhaps, that it was her "unbelief" in the prophets word that may have caused her son to die and therefore, THIS time, she spoke, "It is well", because NOW she understood the power behind speaking or agreement with the word.

  3. Loved you saying you could speak life to someone in a different country. So to add to that the Scripture of Truth says to sing psalms, out loud and in your head, so we can think as we sing life is going out from us too and life in our brains the same way. So many weapons and mighty they are in God, they aren't carnal. And he just talked about a good memory lol!

  4. I don’t think you can use Daniels 21 days to promote waiting on an answer. Jesus defeated satan and his angels, there is no fighting with Gods angels anymore.

  5. It's hard when God is not healing you. I do believe and I do know he healed me 2000 years ago. Yet my knee is still not healed. My back is still just as bad as it was before the hands were laid on and the prayers were prayed. I know it's some wrong with me. Because for some reason the healing hasn't manifested. I am tired of begging God for help.

  6. That’s amazing ! A couple of days ago I was asking if we could breathe , blow life into someone ( Strongs H5301 נָפַח) .
    And now I got the answer thanks to Curry’s teaching!Think about that when you would ever do a mouth to mouth ressucitation. Breathe in the name of Jesus! It could safe a life! Better, it shall safe a life! Amen! ✝️

  7. The story with Daniel is really simple. He prayed, it was heard in Heaven and it took 21 days in the heavens (Daniel’s mind) to bring down all Daniels principles ( his carnal thinking). Most often, your old mind is your biggest enemy!

  8. Once again it’s real simple: God’s word is his will. Now replace each word with their synonyms :
    The Father’s promise is his testament! Got it? When a father dies, the son is the heir … of the Kingdom. And we are the co-heirs of Jesus, as Sons of the Living God! Amen ✝️💗

  9. Today we download from the cloud like it’s nothing. Ever wondered who inspired that guy to call it the Cloud? What about the ether realm and 4G. I got news for you, God’s 7G is been around since ever. All it takes for you is to connect! And the password is Grace. Yes , because this one is for free, it’s already been paid for . Amen! ✝️


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