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  1. He already had it in him that she was speaking lies because she wasn't speaking as a lawyer, that's like wen a policeman accesses you from a far and just judge you by your looks, then he went too far to give stern warnings,though that was his pulpit and his audience,a lot of pastors always make that mistake forgetting that immediately you are broadcasting then you are speaking to a large number of audience,then you must be careful of what you do,if not it will come back to hurt you. This is totally Defamation, he ordered the woman to go back and he came out to keep on lashing out her without even asking for proof if she even attended any law program

  2. Sorry to say this why pastor Paul eneneche said you wouldn't make alive dose it means that God is no more merciful am not saying that is good to lie but you as a man that say you serve God now that you dnt quick judge someone no that is why any one that serve God in truth and in spirit has spirit of meekness in then pastor eneneche is too proud for my onw opinion

  3. I am not going to criticize Pastor Paul Eneche, but he should know there are quack lawyers that are graduates. You can still finish law school, and speak bad English. She certainly might not be lying. He needs to say sorry to her.

  4. No sense of humility, too arrogant in his question to the lady . What a disgrace to the pastor not the lady because the world has seen how he treats his members arrogantly. What a shame .

  5. From this clip her grammar isn’t even that bad. She did adult education and did not grow up posh and tush, did not have the benefit of going to overpriced private schools. So why someone would think she’s lying beats my imagination.

  6. The woman lacked learning but Paulo my man lacked wisdom and discernment.

    The pastor behaved more like Muslims who always fight for their God even though they will still go back and ask the same God for protection against their enemies 😄😄😄

  7. I respect the man of God, but this one was too hasty. He knew it was a fake testimony. By what spirit did he know? This cant be discermnet so what was it?. I guess he was misled by his experiences and carnal mind. This is a big lesson to all our so-called men of God. In the worse case scenario emotional intelligence should have done the trick to avert such an embarrasment. No amount of apologies can erase this in the minds of many people so far as the man of God's reputation in such matters is as stake. We will avidly scrutinise whatever he says "thou sayeth the Lord" from now onwards to avoid any misleading. Its a big lesson to all of us. Lets be slow to speak but quick to listen as we being admonished in James 1:19-20. May God help us all

  8. I personally do not see anything wrong with what pastor Paul Eneche said. Some ministers are stern with matters of dishonesty. They are prophets in the Bible that were more harsh than he is. God is not an author of confusion.

    If you can criticize a minister of the Gospel all in the name of standing for what’s right or wrong, then even you have done worst than he did.

  9. This Pastor really dehumanized this woman and I am so pained by this. I think we really value our religious leaders beyond normalcy. What happened to the lady sharing her testimony privately to her God? This will never be me even when I was still a Christian. Education esp in the so revered Law as postulated by Pastor Enenche does not imbibe ability to speak fluently in one. You should really check the background she came from before placing her on a very high pedestal of 'lawly standards'. Such a shame in a Pastor!

  10. Jesus never disgraced the woman who was caught in the act of Adultery and was brought before him for condemnation rather he corrected her in love.your bible also said they small be no more condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus but this Yahoo man on suit called pastor white washed this beautiful woman in public may God forgive him.

  11. This is so sad. Humiliating someone like that in public Omg.
    Even cursing.
    This should be addressed by him and his church as it can also led to people losing their faith especially because of the way it was handled.
    All mighty Pastors and their sheep.
    I have no words

  12. But aren't men of God supposed to be a symbol of perfect understanding both spiritually and physically. On this very occasion, Pastor Enenche missed it big time and should please apologise to that lady. Afterall she came to testify to God's wonders in her life and not to Pastor Enenche, hence the more reason he should have been quiet and allow God take the centre stage. Some of these our Nigerian Pastors will always never cease to amaze me I swear. Its well😢


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