Has the 2001 parody movie Not Another Teen Movie aged well? Does it even matter when Chris Evans is this funny? Let’s talk …


  1. Omg i am SOOOOOO glad you made this video EJ!!!!😂😂😂 ive always thought this parody flick was underrated and after i watched it YEARS after I originally saw it….i friggin love it! Lol

  2. There's a musical cue in The Legend of Zelda; Breath of the Wild that sounds like the beginning of "Prom Tonight" so now every time I run into Goron City I start singing, "I wish I didn't make that bet" and it makes my husband crazy

  3. I rented this so many times from Netflix I finally just kept the DVD at some point. I'm pretty sure I still have it. It comes with the Marilyn Manson music video "Tainted Love" which is a great cover, to me, and has the characters in it.

    It was so edgy at the time. X-D
    (and yeah, fk MM sadly)


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