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  1. Brother is far from Bro James,the guy isn't a Christian,although at the end he made some points as regards the seed of divorce was already sown the moment he didnt tell Ronke .as for mama she needs Jesus

  2. 39:4644:40😂🤣. Akin and Ronke are really great actors. NAWA OHHHHH for this so-called brother James. I just don't understand why Akin came back to brother James for advice, ehh. May God drive away such people EXTREMELY FAR AWAY from us in Jesus Christ name. Amen.

  3. God answers prayers!!!!!
    I was so encouraged by how the prayers for the first couple was answered. We may not know it but let us keep praying for those we are praying for. God is working in everyone’s lives.

  4. 50:40: The friend said said the charm because of what it sees in your heart. He actually created any opening space for the devil to crept in when he hid his discussion with mama from his wife and lied about it. Honesty and being straightforward with our spouse is a major key to winning some battles

  5. Wow watched all the episodes of divorce and was really blessed… 😀😀,thanks to mummy Gloria and of course the entire family of the Mount Zion ministry who contributed to the success of these episodes… Many have indeed been blessed.I have and I'm taking down notes to better prepare for my future home 😊
    Background music, really ☺more inspirations Bro Joshua and crew.

  6. Wow! We have to be aware of even unbelieving family members and friends who say they are believers of the Lord Jesus, but they use the word of God to justify their wrongs. The devil can use anyone who is not focused on God and his plan for their life. May the Lord help us all. Such great lesson to learn.

  7. Guard your heart at all cost! The devil has lost his powers over us as believers but he still has his corrupted wisdom. And one of his strategies is suggestive thoughts. See how the friend left thoughts in his heart. If only he had rebuked it instantly. And then flee from evil. He still sat there to eat the food. A part of him had already given in. God help us oh! We have the power to resist all temptation.

  8. In last episode Daddy Binney explained his absence in warfare for his daughter to be comparable to Adam and Abraham. Like them he agreed to the arrangement because he secretly desired it. This episode addressed exactly this topic. Here we have Akin who secretly desired his mother's suggestion and it lead to him falling into sin just like Adam and Abraham. From what I was able to pick up is that: 1 Akin did seperate and divorce Ronke in his heart when he failed to discuss with her all the intentions of the mother. Ronke and him are one, he has a obligation no matter how uncomfortable to discuss everything with her and that includes matters concerning his mother. 2, he gave attention to the ungodly voice of his lukewarm friend. 3. Because his heart was already warmed up by the ungodly voices of his mother and friend his heart was seperated from his wife and therefore he broke the covenant of marriage and lost his spiritual protection from the spell. Further he refused his wife to accompany him to vist his mother, something that would have nullified the plans of the mother. 4 The Spell, it is clear that this spell consist of covenants and contracts. The mother gave over Akin to Deborah using her mother authority. Deborah clearly had spells on her body too. One that is supposed to trap and cage him to her once fornicating. Then the baby is also another covenant, Deborah already had a demonic spirit in her tummy, she only awaited for Akin to saw his seed for the pregnancy to physically begin. This is why Akin kept dreaming about her every night, because when he first ate that food, he ate a marriage covenant with Deborah sanctioned by his mother. Then when he slept with Deborah he sold himself to her. This type of spells are broad and males do it just like women. Once you sleep with them they have a hold on you wether you like it or not. The ungodly friend James demonstrated a true lukewarm christian. He is able to speak bible truths aswell as mislead and deceive at the same time. Just like the devil! 5. Ronke the wife. It is clear that Ronke is spiritually stronger than Akin, but she herself failed by depending on husband for everything. She expects him to be spiritually correct above her at all times in all matters. She as the homebuilder have a responsibility to build her home. This involves taking full responsibility over the affairs of her home and marriage. Such as when she knows mother inlaw now despises her and even thinks another woman will be a better option. She has a responsibility to take the matter to God in prayer. Asking for counsel, direction and guidance. Spiritually investigating into the root cause of the problem. For Jesus would have revealed all things to her. Husband is the head and authority of marriage yes, but wife is the builder. You cant expect husband to be drunk with the Holy Spirit at all times, he is as much targeted by the devil like you. Indeed allot of sisters don't understand this. There is no disrespecting or dominating over husband in being completely responsible for your own drunkness with the Holy Spirit and at times going to God on your own for your home without husband.


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