Divine Will | Full Movie | Inspiration for all | A Film by Ken Jones

Life in Punkyville, Kentucky has always been a bit…unconventional, but when Will Blessing unexpectedly arrives, things really get …


  1. Hello i am looking for film about a man look like Jesus Christ it is made for tv this man try to act in scenes from film when they shoot scene from The Last Supper a director told him don’t wear watch i try to find it also this man look like Jesus Christ probelly come from 2000 and try to wear modern dress it is televisiob film also i am looking for film Courage under fire this film was broadcSt on EWTN hopfully help me

  2. Their acting was good nice movie and it should portray more of the prince of peace our lord Jesus Christ and the Gospel message clearly as a suggestion that's what i'll say,God bless them all.

  3. Lovely movie that depicts the book of 1John 4 that talks about showing love to others.Showing love to everyone even when it's not reciprocated can only be done through God's help.This movie is a blessing to me.Thanks for uploading it.

  4. A pretty cool movie. It may sound strange but as I was watching this movie , i began feeling impressed to write a song. I have been known to write a few songs in the past but this was different the music to me was different than what I have written before so I had to stop the movie and started writing the song. It might seem odd that I am writing this in comment but I think there is the ability to receive in the spirit as watching this movie. Just felt to say this. thanks for sharing this with us. God bless


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