Divine Healing Technician: DHT, Sessions 1 – 15 How to Heal

www.JGLM.org Please spend the time, learn about healing, and get to work! John G. Lake Ministries.


  1. Ty for showing us how to do…We've always been told what to do but never HOW to do..I wish I would have known this 20 yrs ago….God is sooooooo good….rewatching….pray ye one for another

  2. Where sin abounds Grace much more abounds.
    Curry is only child born April 1959.
    “There was no man for me when I needed one” Erica Blake buried
    Day Sept 16, 1960….dr. lakes prophesy…the day his mum gave Curry to God because of the accident

  3. All John Lake did was to discard the tradition, and reasons why people say they were not healed.
    Sacred cows prevented healing. Nine months later after devil took Erica Crystal was born.
    Testimony = whatever we done you can do. A TRUTH. YOU LEARN BECAUSE SOMONE DIED.

  4. Please pray for me, I lost part of my left thumb in an accident and I believe in creative healing miracle. I want God Almighty to completely replace the thumb with a new one. Amen 🙏

  5. Ive studied Benny Hinn, Kenneth Haggin, and some Keith Moore healing teachings and by far this has increased my faith the most on a day to day basis…….amazing healing discipleship training ministry

  6. I am and haven't really ever been a religious person, semi spiritual but nothing big. God has been giving me dreams about healing & miracles & following in complete faith. That we are not doing what Jesus did & more… he wants that for us,, we are ALL the most divine, splendid beings he has ever created! He gave us command of all things on Earth & all things in it. Thy kingdom come,, he wants us to bring heaven to Earth,, we are not from here & we forget that.. wonderful but very intimidating dreams for not knowing the Bible or word at all. That's how I found you, thank you so much!

  7. Well I'm concerned. I have very serious health issues. I sent a msg to ask for prayer. Two days later a lady called me and prayed for me over the phone. Two days later I called her back to tell her I am still sick. She told me I need to believe and prayed for me again. Two more days later now and I still have serious problems. How long do we wait and I thought the one who prayed had to have the faith? I am confused on this. What have I done wrong?

  8. Please tell me how to get access to this program. I believe it has been time for us as the body of Christ to operate in divine healing. There has been entirely too many deaths from covid 19 it’s ridiculous. I’m fed up with not being able to socialize with loved ones because of a pandemic that GOD has given us authority over. Please please please if someone know where I can get access to this lesson please let me know. I’m ready to operate in the greater works also that our Heavenly Father said we would in HIS Holy Word.

  9. This got me. John lake said! God! "Make a fool out of them" and the Girls foot grew back to his original form"
    God is not a Respector of Person, He does not Discriminate against anyone. God is faithful. Thanking you God for healing my husband eyes in Jesus and all those am interceding for.

  10. Finding this is like a man that found a field full of hidden diamonds and so he sold all he had and purchased the land.
    I am that man.
    My Mum was diagnosed dementia but I maintain she does not have it!!
    The rest of the family are wavering or are all in with what the doctors say.
    My Mum has a history of many miracles both to her and through her for others.
    Now she needs someone to go to her.
    Stand with me pls to show my family her faith is correct.
    She says if Dr. Jesus doesn't heal me Ill go home fighting .
    Well her appendix burst 20 yrs ago.
    Dad was pleading with her to go to the doctor.
    JESUS HEALED HER ALREADY and so she went through a week of hellish pain.
    Finally Dad made her get an x ray and the doc said she had a supernatural sphere around the burst appendix and to this day she has never had the operation.
    Jesus did it already and boy do we know it.
    New battle now

  11. Be fully convinced..
    Faith is substance and evidence.
    If you are a judge and are fully convinced of the truth regardless of the facts( facts can decieve you) then the manifestation of Gods truth shall come forth…
    Welcome to faith


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