Divine Encounter With God | Sister Juan True Life Story – A Nigerian Movies

This Nigerian movie is about Sister Juan and Mensah who are in love with each other , Mensah proposed to her and they told …


  1. When Jesus met the women with the 5 husband what did he do ? How did he handled the situation? He that is without sin cast the first stone. Now, I'm not saying that we should condone sin etc but they could have gone about it a different way. What about innocent until proven guilty? That phone call alone wasn't enough. Very sad but God is a just God. No one believed in her. Who knows what the other members & leaders are doing behind close door. It said that this is a true story, well this just goes to show how judgemental, hypocritical, condemning church folks are. No love … only because men can't get pregnant so they can do whatever. See her fiancΓ©…


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