1. Awesome movie. So very true. Especially the "hiding" called "SHAME" that you experience when you sin/ backslide. Instead of talking down about the person pay for them and go back and help them. They are already wounded, shameful and hurt. Needing a string warrior to help them from out of the trenches.
    I cried because I had stayed away from the Lord with no one coming to my aide or standing in the gap for me a wounded soldiers.
    However, by God's tender mercies, His awesome grace and forgiveness I am redeemed. Praise to the Most high Yah.
    This is exactly what the CHURCH needs. Passion and compassion for lost and wounded souls. WILLING to intercede and snatch them from out of the devil playground.
    Keep up the good work. Strong message of hope, love, forgives and redemption.
    Love you all, peace.

  2. It takes years to build a relationship with God, devil is not happy and can do anything to distract the believers. The worst thing that can happen to a child of God is when he stop hearing from God. God please have mercy on us. Give me the grace to stand by you no matter what Satan may throw at me. Help me to finish well in Jesus name.

  3. Wow wow wow what a movie. A must watch for everyone. So many lessons to be learned. Let him that thinks he stands take heed lest he falls. The movie couldn't have ended a better way…We are nothing without His mercies

  4. I've been blessed so much by this movie. God bless you.
    And please with the background song "if there be anything….take it away", can I please get it or a link to download it? It really resonated with my spirit and I wanted to know if I could add it to my playlist

  5. wow, what an educative movie, may God help us all to remain faithful to the end. Honestly, this movie made me share tears, especially the posters part for sister purity,

  6. Wow. This movie is a great message for every christian. Just like
    1 Peter 5:8
    [8]Be serious and keep watch; the Evil One, who is against you, goes about like a lion with open mouth in search of food;

  7. Forgiveness does not Come without Forgetting the Traumatic Damages done to Ones life.

    So in order for one to be able to Forgive someone, he/she must be able to Forget the Wrong, done against him/her.

    She says she is Pregnant and She is a Child of God, yet she is Pregnant for Another Woman’s Husband.

    Like I said, these Three Church Members, do not Understand what that Bible is About.

    There Are 10 Commandments in the Bible, that’s what the Bible is All about, all of this Holy Ghost Talk is Deception.

    Temptations of the Flesh, is what this Movie should have been called.

    In all Three of these Christian Members Cases, Everyone of them, had the Will to Choose between Good and Evil.

    Fall to the Temptations of the Flesh or Reflect on Moses’s Laws ( 10 Commandments ) which are Designed to Guide us when we are in Doubt.

    They all Chose to Fall to the Temptations of the Flesh, thereby, turning their Backs, on Moses’s Laws ( 10 Commandments ) which they Never knew in their Hearts.

    None of these Church Members, Knew and Honoured these 10 Commandments, the Very Same Laws, which Govern The Kingdom of Heaven.

    Bros, this Holy Ghost Stuff, aah man it is hard to digest.


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