Disney confirms the worst… Reaction from a Christian Perspective! The END is happening right before our eyes. John MacArthur …


  1. I watched a video about Frozen, last night. I could not believe how much about witchcraft it was! I had heard it was another gender bending movie, but it is totally about witchcraft! That white-haired girl was a witch, and teaching all the little girls who love her, how to be witches. No laughter here. And the hard thing for us is this: it doesn't mean nows the time to mobilize against Disney, in close cooperation with worldly politicians who could care less, but will trade making us feel what they think we want to feel, in exchange for our return political backscratching, agreeing with whatever they want us to agree to. When we discover what a boiling cauldron this saucepan full of hot bathwater is, we need to both repent, and to pray for those children. And no, not ineffectual prayer. We need to lay hold of the effectual prayer that avails much. When it comes to massive spiritual damage, we need to lay down the arm of flesh, and pray that God undo the damage. And no, I am not excluding myself in this.

    We can't just politick this away, any more than "let it go, let it go" will make what these little kids are being sucked into, "let them go", when these spirits show their true colors. Jeremiah said, repeatedly, that the "wound of the daughter of my people" had been "slightly healed", meaning healed by the flesh and false prophets: not really healed at all, when the need, the wound, was so desperate.

  2. Please do not force your religion and morals on other people in the name of God. The Lord never ask or need you to judge people He wants and expects Christians to live their lives according to his Holy Word to show unbelievers the way to salvation. Not judge and disrespect other that have a different view. Show people the RIGHT WAY BY LIVING ACCORDING TO HIS HOLY WORD. BE THE LIGHT IN THE WORLD AND THE SALT OF THE EARTH.

  3. I just found you I’m a Latter-day Saint follower of Our Jesus Christ !! I’m w/my husband is w/ you so Dick of the Woke ,liberal,democrat bull crap !! Love Desantes for what his doing !!Love Jesus !!wish people would turn to Jesus & get the Holy Spirit !! It’s Amazing !!❤

  4. Hey there Brylan… all the way from New Zealand. Our whole family were so disappointed when we learned that Disney has taken over the production of the up and coming animated movie, 'David'. We were looking forward to it, up to that point. Surely there is a faith-based company out there who can fund it?? So disappointed.

  5. There could be many reasons as to why Disney is not making money like it used to. Sure, we can point to disgruntled people who are tired of the Disney propaganda machine, but remember people; the world loves sin, so they still love Disney on that level. So, we cannot attest to the fact that all Disney is suffering is from Christians who are despising Disney (as they should), but more over this is probably related to just how bad these movies are. Factor in the cost to see a movie and you get less 'bang for your buck' and movie goers will spend their money elsewhere. Disney has propagated LGBTQ in their movies, and not only that, they're just plain bad. Bad characterization, worn over sequels, dull plots and other things that the general public is just tired of. Marvel, for example, didn't do too well with Black Widow, the sequel to Black Panther and so forth as people are tired of seeing 'super heroes' take on more baddies and just recycle minor characters in the same plots. It gets redundant quick, and people are bored easily. In conclusion, all of this combined, I see it as God's judgment on Disney and hopefully this will end this money hungry, theme park bloated, and simple-minded movie machine for good!

  6. I gave up everything "Hollywood" 10yrs ago…. Doesn't matter what you watch, its sexually orientated. You can't watch anything that doesn't have overtly "sex for sex' sake…

  7. I was done with Disney when they put out the movie flesh 2 years ago on Disney plus we're all the children can see it. And then even worse two months later they put out the movie deep water. I watched both of those movies just to see what children are being exposed to. And it's absolutely disgusting I don't recommend anybody watch any of these movies. If you want the short version of what is in those movies it's a ton of adultery and cannibalism. This were literally on the front page of Disney plus when they came out. Yikes

  8. I’m of the opinion that if you continue to lead people to destruction and harm then the company needs to go the way of the dodo. Sadly Disney will continue to push because America isn’t the main audience, China is. Yet they aren’t pushing the same agenda to China as they are in America. 🤔 Odd how that works.

  9. I'm not saying anything bad about your videos. Enjoying your content. But I will give just a little bit of critique. Wernt'nt isn't a word. Also, nothing makes me want to not like and subscribe to a channel more, then when a YouTuber interrupts the middle of their content begging you for both.

  10. Disney had been showing signs of their mess for decades. It was a few years ago that my wife and I dropped them like a stone in the Marianas Trench! The wokeness was way too much for us. It's funny because we started using our DVD player a couple of years ago after it sat for years without being used and I discovered a DVD that had been left inside. The movie? The Lion King. Don't think Disney is going to change. They're just going to dig their heels in.

  11. Disney is only giving the people what they want. This is what America wants. Why do you think that God allowed Biden to get in office? We are living in "the days of Noah" where the bible says "Gen 6:5  And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually". Rejoice and look up "Luk_21:28  And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh. Even at the door.


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