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  1. 1:02:06 Lol @ "fair" wages. What is "fair"? The parable of the day laborer seems to say "fair" is when both parties come to a mutually agreed upon wage. Conservative economic policy would agree.

  2. Your guest makes it sound like the only abortions happening are in the case of terminal or serious defects, and wants to "minimize" abortions by keeping babies from being created in the first place.

  3. 1:20:24 Feminism is not "giving them a choice". Women have always had a choice if they want to work. Look at Proverbs 31.

    Feminism lies to women by telling them they are lesser people by staying home and raising kids.

  4. 1:25:47 You don't hear conservative Christians clamoring for government subsidization (and forcing businesses to do the same) of mothers because they know that's not the government's role. It's the church's role.

  5. Just more evil witches that know every time they take more money they kill more people with covid and they don't care or they wouldn't be doing it.

    Malachi 3:8 is talking to anyone that ever charged for the gospel and telling them to return the money they were never supposed to take two and covid. The entire nation is under a curse because fake Christians everywhere have been robbing God and these fake ministers already know this. Just more liars.

    Malachi 2 prove Malachi 3:8 is talking to the thieving ministers.

    Luke 10-7 says the only wages for ministering are eating and drinking whatever you are given.

    And Matthew 19:12 says God prefers same-sex relationships for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven.

    Eunuchs that are born that way are transgender. Eunuchs made that way by others were abused. Those that choose to live like Eunuchs for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven are bisexual people that choose partners of the same sex but opposite in gender.

    And I am Elijah of Malachi 4 5-6 so I am the only one that has the final say. The Bible says that it will come to pass that anyone that fails to listen to me will be utterly destroyed from among the people.

  6. This guy on Genesis can’t understand that for a time in history the two that became one had to have kids and now further the fruit. I think it’s evident that God permitted incest to occur in order to fill the earth and of course we all find our family origin back to Adam, to the beginning. Once history moves forward God has the authority and wisdom to say it is no longer permissible and that there is enough not to marry a sibling and so on. @method ministries
    Lucas you are right that it seems he’s starting with a problem and not a clear doctrine. Jesus pointing back to one man and one woman becoming one and that being a marriage teaches us that marriage is just that, between a man and a woman for life.

  7. The way I see it: The Left is fundamentally about expanding and justifying state power, which is inherently immoral. Christianity is fundamentally anti-state. "My kingdom is not of this world" The Christian response to problems is never to get government to interfere even more with society.

  8. May God have mercy on this young man who has obviously been hurt by the church and somewhere along the lines lead astray, on so many things. 🙁 To even consider an abortion because of what a HUMAN tells you, is downright, unbelief. Which is unbiblical, which is sad. Really really sad. Thankful to see his NE movement has a teeny tiny following. 🙏🏼


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