A special thank you to everyone who continues to support us in various ways, and we hope that you will continue to do so in the …


  1. Amen! Thanks for sharing!

    I am watching for the rapture/event tonight Thursday December 8th/9th during the last full moon of 2022/season.
    A possible deadline for the rapture and 7 year tribulation to start is December 8th/9th 2022 which gives us 7 biblical years (2520 days) until the true day of atonement/Yom Kippur (1 month behind) on the Creator's full moon calendar on November 1st/2nd 2029 at the end of the next Shemitah year and the end of the fig tree generation. (The fig tree generation started in 1949 when Israel became a nation of peace and formed a government, and there was also a blood moon tetrad in 1949-1950).
    The abomination of the desolation established by Antyochus in the temple of Jerusalem was the day of Kislev 15, which falls on December 9th this year.
    December 8th is "Immaculate conception day" – The celebration of the conception of the Virgin Mary in the womb of her mother, Saint Anne. It is one of the most important celebrations in the Roman Catholic church.
    December 9th is also World Genocide Commemoration Day (The rapture/event will be a genocide)

    Many brothers and sisters have had rapture dreams or visions of a full moon, including myself, I had my first and only vision of a full moon in 2020.

    A few brothers and sisters in America have had dreams or were told by God/Jesus that the rapture would happen on a Thursday.

    On November 8th 2022 there was the last full blood moon eclipse for 3 years. It could be a 1 month warning.
    Acts 2:20 – "The sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the lord"

    It is highly possible that we are now in the true Jubilee year after the feast of trumpets and the day of atonement in September/October 2022.
    Rabbi Judah Ben Samuel prophesied in 1217 AD that Jesus would return during a Jubilee year.

    In Leviticus 25:54 it says "‘Even if someone is not redeemed in any of these ways, they and their children are to be released in the Year of Jubilee, for the Israelites belong to me as servants. They are my servants, whom I brought out of Egypt. I am the Lord your God."

    In the song "Days of Elijah" it says "Lift your voice, the year of Jubilee and out of Zion's hill salvation comes".

    The next Jubilee year is in 50 years, we could not possibly last another 50 years because we are already at the brink of global nuclear war with Russia. On November 14th 2022 Russia backed their troops of out of a city in Ukraine, 2 months ago on September 21st at a rare meeting Putin's thinly veiled messages signaled he would risk nuclear conflict to avoid an embarrassing military defeat.

    In the video "I pet goat 2" it portrays a 2nd 9/11 event and it shows a tiger on an Asian girls coat (2022 is the year of the tiger).
    At the end of the video when Jesus is leaving it shows a scorpion tale in the clouds right next to the sun. The sun enters the constellation Scorpio on November 16th 2022 until December 16th.

    On my channel there WAS a video of a sister that had a very detailed vision of the rapture/event (Youtube deleted it), she says that the rapture/event will be a bright white light lasting a few minutes and we will be transformed into our heavenly glorified bodies and brought up to heaven. There may also be a loud trumpet sounded right before the rapture.

    We will not experience any pain during the rapture/event.

    I give full glory to God/Jesus for this message because I have been praying everyday for God/Jesus to reveal this information to me so that I can share it with everyone.

    See you in heaven!

    Pray and repent of your sins and express love to God/Jesus, not to be saved, but to show respect to God/Jesus and strengthen your relationship.

    "For my Father’s will is that everyone who looks to the Son/Jesus and believes in him shall have eternal life/be saved, and I will raise them up at the last day.”
    – John 6:40

    God/Jesus loves everyone of you like as if you were the only person in the entire universe!

    Share this message with your family and friends!

    God bless you and your family!


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