Did you know that in American Psycho, there are indications that what is occurring is only in Patrick Bateman’s head. For instance …


  1. The books actually illustrate it alot more with inner dialogue and other social interactions that it's all in his head. Just delusional fantasies that have no proof of existence hence the final call to the lawyer he has no idea what's even going on despite events like that being something local news worthy. I like that the best.

  2. Another theory is that this happens all the time and because these people are so powerful all they can do is clean up after them. It's cheaper to cover it up than to let the world know that literal psychos are running the show.

  3. The movie's writer confirmed in an interview it was not in his head, save a few details like exactly how much killing he did. Most of the times the bodies were gone is already explained, his landlords were so focused on keeping their rep they would go as far as helping a psychopath, and people could barely keep it straight who was who anyways

  4. What is the biggest mysteries I’ve had about this film is how it seems like everything’s in his head but it’s way too detailed and then there’s the sequel where he gets killed so how is it on his head if there’s a sequel with Meg as the killer

  5. Iv wonder about this for a while now like how can some much of what he does happen with no one noticing like the part with the chain saw and he’s ruining naked down the hall chasing that girl and no one hears anyone of it not to mention at the end when he confessed to killing Paul Allen and that guys like I just had lunch with him


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