Daniel Kolenda continues his interview with his long-time friend, Evangelist (and now pastor) Todd White. This heartfelt discussion of recent controversies in Todd’s life will encourage every listener. In this episode (part 2 of the conversation), Daniel and Todd discuss what “preaching a false gospel” actually is. Todd also shares about some of the most challenging times in his life and dynamic ministry. This powerful episode concludes with a special prayer by Todd White.

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00:00 Introduction and addressing recent allegations about Todd White’s ministry
04:16 Todd White speaks about learning from various Christian teachers
06:56 Todd White's demonstrated joy in his walk with the Lord
08:44 Todd White clarifies statements about preaching a full or false gospel
11:30 Todd White's reaction to his critics
13:09 Todd White's thoughts on repentance
14:30 Todd White's accident and pruning process
18:13 Another side to our loving God
26:57 Not letting sin “take you out”
28:48 Sharing Christ out a heart of love
30:37 Todd White's prayer for blessing and unity
32:37 Daniel Kolenda concludes with a prayer for repentance

Originally posted 2020-12-30 15:09:29. Republished by Blog Post Promoter


  1. Daniel and Todd, thank you both for your continued efforts to share the grace and truth of Jesus. This video is helpful, but at the end of the day, God will validate you. Love both of your ministries.

  2. Well said Todd I just want a say I’m sorry for judging you, I know you don’t know me and probably you won’t ever read this but I just want a throw it out there that I was one of those people who judged you, I’m sorry and I pray to God for you and for all of us to walk in repentance and love . God bless you and keep up the good fight.

    • @Saundra Monroe wonderful to hear of your salvation. Good to hear you be so gospel focused. Much false teaching out there so we must highlight, it’s a biblical command.

    • @Simon Morris thanks for your response. I appreciate the gentleness in your answer. I personally do not listen to Kenneth Copeland and I don’t believe in the prosperity gospel.

      Aside from you trusting in Ray Comforts evangelism, I can agree with you that the gospel needs to be preached in all accuracy and correctness.

      I watched a video of Ray’s and he told a homeless man that he couldn’t be saved at four years old because how could he repent of his sins at that age. That was disturbing to say the least because I accepted and trusted in Jesus Christ alone by faith at the age of seven years old. I knew who Jesus was and what He did for me at such a young age. If I were to have a discussion with Ray according to his theology I was not saved because how could I have known about sin and repent of my sins being a child.

      I am not attacking Ray Comfort as some have called him rude names. I am opposed to tainting his character and more so I am correcting wrong and false theology.

    • @Saundra Monroe hi. Not sure about your comments on ray. Seems to preach the gospel and many of his videos I hear him saying that works do not save you . With Todd, it’s a bigger issue, he comes from the word of faith movement, which is rooted in the new age. His father in the faith is Kenneth Copeland who is such a bad teacher and possibly demon possessed. He recently blew covid 19 away…but it’s still here. Theologically there is much to worry about, Todd teaches sinless perfection, has said some very worrying things about the nature of Jesus, how we are saved etc. So , in concern for souls, and Christian growth I warn people against his teaching. Todd actually says the same thing about people who judge his messages and respond to his false teaching, he actually calls us unsaved, demonicly influences people who are not saved. I believe in free speech so Todd is allowed to his opinion. And I suppose therefore so am I.
      And it’s backed up by a lot of research……. there is a bigger purpose in my discerning of false messages. But thanks for the response…it helps me to be more reflective and thoughtful.
      Finally, Todd does street evangelism like ray c, but he just goes up to people and tells them God thinks they are amazing,…no challenge on sin, need to repent and trust in Christ Alone. Must be great for someone to hear that God thinks your awesome, even if they are a drug dealer, woman abuser, bully, peadofile etc etc. Compared to ray c evangelism, I know which one I would trust more. 🙂

    • @Simon Morris hi brother. Quick question, how is it fair game to criticize others for listening and following Todd White (which I’ve never heard of him before or his teachings, so there’s no bias in my questioning) when you follow and listen to Ray Comfort.

      Ray Comfort doesn’t even teach or preach the gospel. He’s teaching a works-based salvation, Lordship salvation. “Repent of your sins” and believe to be saved. That’s not the gospel.

      I viewed one of your videos on the gospel and you actually are teaching the gospel.

      So how is it fair game for you to criticize those who follow and listen to Todd White yet you are subscribed to Ray Comfort?

  3. Todd, you are a faithful, power packed man of God. You have been a great inspiration to many many people. My son as a teenager, watched your videos and he started to pray for people on the streets and evangelise because of watching your vids. One of the first healings he encountered, inspired by your evangelism style, was a woman totally healed immediately of arthritis who didn’t even believe in healing. Since then, he has boldly declared the Gospel and has led many to Jesus and is influencing his peers. I know your ministry has been a big help to him. Thank you for being a great example of a believer 🔥🔥🔥🙌

  4. There are so many youtube channels calling out ministers of God. Those channels are toxic and evil. We must pray for discernment and discernment of spirits.

  5. Every one preaching the full gospel with accompanying sign and wonder for the Kingdom and not for self-centered motives is NOT a false teacher..

  6. Living from the secret place… The one who leans on the bosom of Jesus hears the heartbeat of God. Game changer content for those with ears. 👍

  7. Cant stop cry on after watching Todd talk deep inside the concept of repentance… love you Todd.. Those critics must watch this episode

  8. Thank you Daniel, we need more people doing this! There are so many critics saturating YouTube creating confusion and swaying young believers to the rigid stiff necked Pharisees view of the Gospel. May God continue to rise up the voices of Truth seasoned with grace.

    • +@Abc C

      MY deceived friend – you do NOT hav to LIE to make a point.

      “Stop playing extremes.”

      WHO is playing extremes except you?

      “There are many examples in the bible of whitches walking with the apsotles and saying everything right ”

      Care to list them? I didn’t think so. There IS NO list.

      “and paul discerned it and rebuked it. So be objective like paul.”

      YOU are OBVIOUSLY unable to discern between truth and error – Satan CANNOT bring healing OR perform miracles – he’s limited to TRICKS.

      YOU cannot rebuke the SPIRIT of GOD in TODD – he is more powerful that your feeble cry or your master’s shout. NO ONE aligned with the heart of GOD could make that statement. YOU stand exposed.

      GOD moves through Todd – and thousands of others – the spiritually blind cannot see that – GOD defies your cultic dogma to PROVE that He has never changed – and the commission Jesus gave in MARK 16 is JUST as important today.

      IF you do NOT see signs wonder and healings when you preach the gospel, according to Jesus you are NOT preaching the gospel.

      ONLY the blind impotent ICHABOD church rejects the ministry GIFTS GOD placed in the church til the return of CHRIST.

      BUT many on this thread do – Kolinda for example – and they wholeheartedly support Todd and his heart for GOD – you on the other hand are OBVIOUSLY a neoPharisee – and willingly attribute what GOD does through TODD to the devil – JUST as they did in Jesus day.

  9. So good interview. Thank you brethren. I if had just 20 % of the passion for souls that you’ve granted Todd, Lord, I would be much more on fire than I am today. Please set us on fire, Lord and bless these to brethren with even more fire and soul winners passion. Love you all 🙏🔥❤️

    • Pastor Daniel Kolenda No. You’re NOT. You are a liar and a scammer. One month ago you called yourself pastor auph lukau and sent me the same message. Stop rumble with a man of God and stop commanding me what to do when my father did not send you. You opened your account 3 days ago and have no references on it. Besides you cannot even spell correctly which tells me you’re uneducated. The real Daniel Kolenda is educated and can spell. He is a man of God and would NOT do what you just did. Besides: What are you gonna have the money to?

  10. “Grace: is God’s empowerment for you to live free from sin, for you to live free from ever wanting to sin.” ” Todd White” love that so good.

    • @Pastor Daniel Kolenda This is a fake account for Daniel Kolenda (You can click the profile to see). I doubt that’s the number to a real orphanage. Please do not send money.

  11. I have never believe any controversy and criticizm against Todd and will never do, Todd we love you keep preaching the true gospel.

    From Nigeria

    • @Jodi-Kaye Landry well done for letting every one know about the fake D. K accounts that keep popping up on the comments section!! 😁 👍👍👍

    • @Pastor Daniel Kolenda This is a fake account for Daniel Kolenda (You can click the profile to see). I doubt that’s the number to a real orphanage. Please do not send money.

  12. Todd, Keep standing up for Truth and DO NOT give into professional and evil modern day pharasees who live without any relationship with God and are allergic to the power of God. They told Jesus that he is operating under Beelzebub. These things are bird poop on the way. Consider these as dung like Paul.

  13. Todd’s heart is so pure, if you know Holy Spirit then you KNOW that! The body of Christ is so unhealthy and has been for so long. I’m led to pray for religion to be put in its place, under our feet, and for the body of Christ to rise up and love one another being led by precious Holy Spirit to deal with the religious community. You are unifying us, those tears you shed and your heart felt insight is Holy Spirit, those tears and the passion is intercession for the body. Our family loves you, you as well Daniel, thank you! Wow! Todd so true!

    • @Pastor Daniel Kolenda This is a fake account for Daniel Kolenda (You can click the profile to see). I doubt that’s the number to a real orphanage. Please do not send money.

    • @Pastor Daniel Kolenda This is a fake account for Daniel Kolenda (You can click the profile to see). I doubt that’s the number to a real orphanage. Please do not send money.

    • @Pastor Daniel Kolenda This is a fake account for Daniel Kolenda (You can click the profile to see). I doubt that’s the number to a real orphanage. Please do not send money.

  14. Todd, why don’t you get interviewed by one of your critics? like the ones who produced american gospel for instance? or maybe Justin Peters?


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