It’s claimed by Cal Pierce, Roberts Liardon, and others that between 1915 and 1920, John G Lake performed over 100000 …


  1. The healing rooms have caused issues for some of my friends.

    It took me a while to research them… Because I couldn't find their teachings, but I found out that they were linked with bethel etc.

    What got me looking into it was when my friends told me about their grave sucking experience at John g lakes grave.

    I can't seem to talk sense into my friends they won't listen to me they've been part of the healing rooms for 5 plus years maybe more.

    Everything bethel is the best thing in their eyes…

    But having spent the last 3+ years looking into it because of things they were saying.

    Reading numerous books by Bill Johnson etc… Everything comes back red flag after red flag.

  2. Dear fellow Christians, Do you even care about truth? Does it even bother you to support frauds, con men and heretics? How can Bill Johnson, Cal Pierce, Kenneth Copeland and countless other hyper-Charismatic leaders continue to repeat so many lies?? How did our Lord Jesus Christ deal with liars who were getting wealthy off of their sheep?

  3. I was part of the first group trained and released as DHT's in Australia with John G Lake Ministries, run by Curry Blake and even as a Charismatic back then I had so many issues with Lake, Blake and the whole shebang. It was like a Militant Latter Rain movement, completely void of verifiable healings and a truckload of bogus claims and teaching that just didn't match up to the Bible. #NotChristianity #AnotherGospel

  4. Very interesting! I like how you compared the popularity of the different preachers. If people thought Lake was healing so many people, Spokane would've been overrun by the sick from all over the world. Isn't that what happened at Lakeland?

  5. Washington state was the first outbreak of the Corona Virus.
    The pressure is on for this Spokane “healing room” to start showing validity by healing those inflicted.

    Also, very interesting research into the rotten first fruits of the NAR.

  6. Is healing the will of God today in 2020? Or does God pick and choose who will and wont be healed?

    There are more than 100 healing scriptures in the Old and New Testament. Yet many Christians do not receive healing.

    Why is this? Some would say healing stopped with the apostles. Some say healing is for today and Jesus healed everybody who came to Him and requested to be healed. Others would say Paul had a thorn in the flesh, and was not healed therefore God picks and chooses who will and will not be healed. The Bible never directly states what Pauls thorn in the flesh was. There are many assumptions as to what is was. But the Bible is silent as to what Paul battled with. Pehaps his thorn was not physical at all. Maybe it was persecution.

    Some are healed instantly other are healed gradually. There is scripture to back both of these ideas.

  7. If that book about John G Lake is indeed written by Kenneth Copland, you can be sure that not a word in it will be actually true, if any of the shenanigans of the past year is anything to go by?

  8. Brock knight and June knight on YouTube a sweet southern mother son team claiming to follow Christ but insist their viewers go buy Curry Blake's teachings and also if possible make the trip to go get 'trained' by Brock.

    Last I checked the audience was largely eldery, widows, and people with no family; Who Brock asked for donations to buy a piece of land among other things.. The land was going to be for these fearful lonely people to live with the knight family.
    (he told viewers their money wouldn't be worth anything soon anyway so might as well give it to him) spoiler alert their money is still worth something!

    I tried to expose them but I wasn't believed. As I learn more from this channel and others like it the pic is becoming more and more clear. Thank you!!!

  9. I was a little curious about the spanish flu death toll in 1918 between Spokane and Seattle . Spokane had more deaths per capita than Seattle did . I guess Lake couldnt heal the ones with the flu . But isnt that what is happening today with the word of faith movement , What is their record with covid . Where are thier healings .

  10. That phony healing rooms building is taking up space better used for something else than fake healings. They probably also encountered a demonic presence in one of the rooms when they moved in which he thought was angelic

  11. a. All you have done is refute the claims where someone was exaggerating. You did NO research on people who were and were not healed. That would have been relevant to your point. Debunking the claim that Spokane was "the most healthy city" says nothing about whether people were healed or not. Your point is so minor as to be a WASTE OF TIME

    b. Next you measure popularity which is a foolish exercise. After all Joel Osteen is popular. Does that say anything about his effectiveness? This topic is silly.


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