Developing Your Belief System | Dr. Myles Munroe

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  1. I fell on my knees wish you’re alive I’d be your lifelong follower .
    You opened my inner eyes thank you thank you you are my MENTOR from now on

  2. so what. that was then. I don't care how great you think they were. they are nothing to me🤔 I live by my own beliefs. White supremacy is the most dangerous thing for white people, because they beleave it.

  3. What we can do is to understand his Biblical teachings about LEADERSHIP and KINGDOM OF GOD and apply them and teach to billlions of people.Even Jesus Christ remained only for three years to teach us.

  4. When I see this, my whole being screams DANGER DANGER DANGER. To me, I believe she, her, is a demon. Not insane, intentionally causing malice to uninformed and ill equipped innocence. She said 100's of children. Woe

  5. So that HE, our Creator, can work through us here on Earth! We are equal, each with a MIND……. a space where God can enter. He gave us Free WILL!
    His philosophy and foundation is LOVE!


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