God established America with a purpose in mind – to have the prophetic scenario of God’s Word come to fulfillment. But the United …


  1. It is so sad that with such a great documentary that you’ve put out, that you had to add the rapture theory to mislead people which will keep them from being prepared for the end times. Very sad and disappointing. please pray that you do more research on the word of God. Remember that Jesus descends back to earth. The fear tactic of the rapture theory is poison which was created in 1830 please do your homework.

  2. The United States of America, is in fact in bible prophecy. We are the lamb like beast that has two horns like a lamb but speaks like a dragon. The United States is making an image to the first beast and will cause all to worship the first beast.

  3. Excellent video, except stating Darby brought about the rapture view. This view was believed by the early church.

    Rapture documented from early church

    Ephraem The Syrian: Byzantine Text Discovery: – Chuck Missler – Koinonia House

  4. America in particular isn´t mentioned in the Bible,yes thats correct. But we know from the Bible that we should consider it a part of Europe, namely the Roman Empire. Although it is on another continent, the Population heritage is Europe, hence the political Character is preocupied with the Roman Empire. America and Europe both will play a role in the Revelation of the Endtimes.

  5. This was very interesting until they began talking "rapture". There is no rapture of the church, it is not scripture. We who are Yahuah's are grafted into the same tree, we are Israel. The so-called church in this day's vernacular does not exist. There is no separation of Jew and Gentile we are echad in Yeshua.

  6. This applies worldwide, espescially in South Africa at the moment. This Christian country, 30 years ago, we had once of the most beautiful, safest countries in the world – it has tyrned into a "mafia" state since the bible has been "axed" in schools, univerities etc

  7. First they have to investigate who BLM… and its worthy founder Patrisse Cullors… with a tremendous mansion… and a lot of money he received from the State deep… there will be eyes… GOD Bless them

  8. Are you for real? The bible doesn’t mention America? Wow….! You need to do Doug Batchelor’s bible studies and read a book called The Great Controversy. The bible SCREAMS of America in bible prophecy. Daniel and Revelations spells it out so clear that you can’t mistake it.

  9. Parents must show this video to their children to explain what is going on in our world today as they will be the next leaders of this country because Tik Tok, social media, music and TV, our education system are all working in coordination to fundamentally undermine our constitution and the Judeo-Christian values it was based on. We cannot sit back and allow our culture to dictate our interpretation of God's word to include acceptance of ALL THINGS that go AGAINST His word.

  10. IF you are familiar with scripture we know were this whole mess is going to. It's in scripture. What we all must do is prepare our souls and turn to Jesus for Salvation. The message of the Gospel is foolishness to those who are perishing.

  11. Wrong, it has been prophesied in the Book of Daniel Chp. 7 and Rev. chp. 13 is called the "Anglo America World power," in other words US and Britan. All human movement will be destroyed in Armagedón by God all mighty. See for yourselves at Daniel chp. 2:44.

  12. America is in bible prophecy. It is the earth beast in Revelation 13:11. The Earth beast(symbolic for a kingdom) Daniel 7:23 explains that a beast is a kingdom (religious or political) The first beast comes from the sea (meaning peoples, multitudes, nations and tongues) Revelation 17:15. The Earth beast has no crowns meaning protestant and a republic, but no Pope and separation of church and state but this will change in the near future when it is confederate with the sea beast, (Roman Catholic Church) also stated as the whore. Two churchs, the whore of Babylon (Rome) and the bride of Christ, Revelation 12:14, 16,17. The earth beast (USA) will start to speak like the dragon which is happening now and will start the Mark of the Beast, the Mark of the Catholic Church which will happen in the near distant future. Thats why Jesus says come out of her my people, (Babylon,Rome), lest you share in her plagues. the Mother Church is bringing the daughter churchs home (Protestant USA) and will deceive the whole world. this is bliblical and this is the image of the beast, history proves this fact to the letter. May you research these things, I, myself am a recovering catholic and I have nothing against catholics, its the system that is evil. The inquesition, selling of indulgudges, putting people to death for crimes such as saying the Lord's Prayer in English, and so on. All the reformers agreed on this, Wycliff, Tyndale, John Calvin, John Huss, Luther and many more .And I echo this fact, as a watchman I must tell the truth and let the chips fall where they may. To know the truth and say nothing is sin James 4:17. Also we must keep all the commandments including the 7th day sabbath which the sea beast, the little horn,(RCC) changed (Daniel 7:25) May God bless you all.✝

  13. Another FAKE wanna be prophet. "ASK ME A QUESTION"
    Have you ever sought professional help like with someone that has actually read the bible cover to cover all their life?
    If you lived in Uganda you would be convinced Uganda is the center of Gods plans.
    If you lived in Latvia you would be convinced Latvia is the land of prophetic promise.

    Since you have not a shred of scripture HOW did you assume 'God established America with a purpost in mind'?
    You next sentence is nonsensical "To have a prophetic scenario of God"s word come into fulfillment"

    If you die is this a prophetic Scenario? Only in the biggest EGO's alive.
    Try reading the bible with what is actually written on the page without adding your own twisted ideas. You will receive less punishment than making up and teaching stuff that is not explicitly written in scripture. This is where all false teachers and false prophets run towards . . . empty speculations and personal vanities.

  14. Christian Movies????? So this is a Christian movie that starts out about black people, blm,antifa . Typical Caucasian telling lies. Why didn't the idiots talking about antifa and blm,talk about the terriost that stormed the capital???Why didn't thoes idiots talk about the white supremist in America, the Nazi's???America was never great. America participated in the slave trade. Five American Presidents owned Slaves .
    Most people who say they are Christians are not. They talk it, but don't live it. When Tribulation comes, there will be hell on earth. Just like Rome fell, American will fall. The terrors and horrors of the Tribulation will affect the whole world. 👈🏻🤛🏽👊🏻✊🏿


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