Demons And Evil Spirits

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  1. Curry Blake taught me on a DHT video series back 2011 since then many are alive many heald many are in ministry , love you MR Blake one day I pray I might meet you God bless you my brother

  2. Herpes is a demon. I have prayed for people with herpes outbreaks and within a hour or so they are completely healed. Curry Blake knows what he's talking about. You just command the spirit out and into the abyss in Jesus name. That's it.

  3. …Just faith without work is not enough to save you, otherwise the demons were also saved, because they too believe in God…the more you allow demonic influence, the more the demonic thing starts to own you… There are 7 levels of demonic influence or possession. For level 4 and above they need others help to be set free… Christians should not have corrupt speech (that did not bring life) in their mouth, otherwise you will be under their influence….Demons wants to get humans as evil as possible so that they can "hit at God"…..disease and germs are just kind of like the breath of demons and the fallen world… they war with saints, they hate humans…they recognized authority…

  4. One time I prayed for a sister and the Deamon manifested I told what’s your name then I’ve heard Lucifer, but the devil has a angelic body and can not go into body’s you said or did I misunderstand ?

  5. Demons and evil spirits are very real. Just this month I had coworker ask me to come too his home that his daughters and wife were seeing thing in the home. His oldest daughter Madison was dragged out of her bed and scratched across her back. I went there and anointed the house with olive oil in the name of Jesus the Christ and applied the blood of the lamb over the home. When I got to the front bedroom which was the last room I needed to pray over I went inside and felt heaviness all over the room and I told them it was coming from the corner closest. I went inside it and it felt so evil that I was almost afraid to stay in there but I told it that it must go now. I went outside and prayed over the rest of their home and told him that his daughter had occult symbols all over that room and he needed to have a talk with her about it. She decided afterwards to burn all of those pictures. Also he had a friend stay with them before his oldest daughter moved into that room and he had made a home Ouija board. I told him that was the reason they were having problems but the pictures were keeping that spirit around. Last thing I've heard about it was demon left them and nomore activities in home.

  6. Book of Enoch which was taken out of are bibles says that demons are the spirits of the giants. Angels and humans Genesis 6 talks about the sons of God these are angels

  7. Smith Wigglesworth, Sumrall, Derek Prince, Isaiah Saldivar. Are Men of God, holding the man label of Pastors.
    Vast majority of American Pastors do not want to do Deliverance because it takes time, you need to Fast for it, really prepare by living clean.
    The watered down Gospel caused most Americans to be blind about who we are: SPIRITS! And there are DEMONS all around. And you must FIGHT THEM. We must deliver people from them and we must fight them. Most people when hear : demon, they reject it for fear. You do not achieve victory by pretending its not there. In Asia, Africa and South America, we recognize about demons, witchcraft. So when someone says, you need deliverance, the person wants it and is grateful. Here in America, people call you
    crazy and keep living under torment and take a pill

  8. I'm an SRA Survivor from my childhood. I'm now 62 yrs old, and have been a Spirit filled believer for 40+ yrs.

    I've not only been sick for a lifetime but have had so many weird accidents, diseases, a rare stroke at 47 yrs old, heart attack, and soooo much more only to be told by the doctors they don't know why.

    I thought it was curses from generations past because all those on both my mom and fathers side of the family were freemasons, including my father but not my mom. Breaking curses didn't change anything for me.

    A couple of months ago, I asked the Lord once again what I'm missing because I have never been able to pray myself out of this hell. I heard Him say "Spirit of Infirmity." I went online in search for answers but found nothing.

    A couple weeks ago, a friend told me about Curry Blake and have been watching videos every day, literally all day long since, looking for answers.

    Yesterday, 3/21/22 the video on Spirit of Infirmity came up in my feed, and finally, I have a pretty good understanding of what the Spirit of Infirmity is.

    I commanded the Spirit to leave me believing it is done. I'm just wondering if there's anything else that I should do?

  9. You mentioned demons believe and are not saved and people are not necessarily saved by believing that there is more involved. Can you please clarify how a person is to be saved?
    I was raised on John 3:16. Your statement was confusing to me.
    Thank you.

  10. When you cast them out, where do you send them to? Do you allow them roam free or expel them to the place of outer darkness in chains unto thé gréât Judgement day? Jude1:6

  11. I understand Bro Curry focusing only on God and not on what's happening in our world/country, etc. but don't you/we average or even above average Christians use what he says at 36:28 as an excuse to "not vote" or get "involved in politics" because it is our Godly duty to see that righteous people rule!! We must Shine the Light of Truth in ALL AREAS!


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