Demands of Vision – Apostle Michael Orokpo.


  1. You can also be disciplined to have Balance and enjoy. Otherwise you are only striving and it will be morso works you think you can do by your hands by doing more/ or by having to earn the Favor of God when it is truly only grace.
    a child who just receives. Yes discipline. Yes prayer. If you want to out of love. Like you would to a good father. Never out of Guilt or trying to earn. Also enjoying his creation. What did the father say to the lost son. He threw a feast. It's not about what you think you need to do on this earth for God. It's about what is God asking you to do this season.
    Otherwise you may get a completely twisted image and view of God bassed off of what you think you, need to do to achieve and earn for his approval, completely missing the true deep inner knowing and rest that you are his beloven son. And that just in sonship there is grace. What is your vision.
    What is God's vision.
    In returning and rest you will be saved, In quietness and confidence will be your strength.

    Look up the sermon, "be still and know that I am God" by carter Conlon.
    Messages such as this by Orokpo have good principles about discipline,
    But may cause a root of striving, religion, and lack of knowing the father's true rest and love in some.

    In this video by carter, if you can pick it up, the spirit speaks through man, you will find the true way of God.
    Be still,
    And know that he is God.
    God does not need you. He's God.
    What is God asking of you specifically at this moment in time in his walk with you personally.
    Be careful to not try to hype up like the profets of bale.
    They had to make noise to try to make things happend.
    But true sonship, is asking believing receiving. Being still, knowing he's God. And you are not.


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