deep worship songs for breakthrough, deep worship songs that will make you cry, deep christian worship songs for breakthrough, …


  1. God is our Source, nothing can separate us from his love, and nothing can stop his blessings He has set for us in our lives. Dont forget there are miracles at hand every day weather you take the time to notice them or not.

  2. To the one who's reading this, I hope you are doing alright, I hope that all the pain you are facing right now will turn into a great achievement. Always remember that God is always with us. He will bless, guide, and protect us

  3. I pray for the person reading this and people around the world.. praying to God almighty for healing, deliverance and financial miracles.. I pray our heavenly father turns his gracious face towards u and answer ur prayers and cries. My brother and sister the God of miracles exist and am a partake of miracle i was praying for and evening giving up, I was having a chronic twisted spine issues. It was serious to the extent which makes it hard to breath, eat , sleep, sit or stand. But our gracious father saved me and healed me, pls note don't give up even if it looks like nothing is happening, u have to believe and await patience for God's time to glorify his name through u. Pls confess ur sins… Jesus loves u more than u think and have no guilt. Psalm 107.7 let the redeemed of the Lord say so.

    We are more than conqueror Romans 8 :37

    By his stripes we are healed
    Isaiah 53:5

    Focus on Jesus love for you and your hearts discouragement will be overcome.

    Healing comes from within we release it with our words, attitude, thoughts and actions.
    May our Lord Jesus give u the strength and see u through every difficult and answer our prayers accordingly to his will amen.


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