She was deaf in both ears for 17 years. She was rejected by family members and failed in school. She felt like a prisoner in solitary confinement and wanted to take her own life.

In January of 2014, Christ for all Nations visited Titi Bongo's city of Yaoundé, Cameroon. Hundreds of thousands gathered that week to experience the Gospel. On the second night, as evangelist Daniel Kolenda was praying for the sick, Titi began to feel an intense burning in her ears and realized one of her ears could hear.

She to the platform to testify together with her brother. Her brother told the evangelist that although one ear had been healed, the other was still deaf and asked for more prayer. Evangelist Kolenda prayed for the ear twice. The first time, nothing happened, but the second time, he began to say the name of Jesus in her deaf ear in French, “Jésus, Jésus, Jésus” Suddenly she could understand and began to repeat the name, each time it became more clear and more powerful. He asked if she could hear now. She was smiling from ear to ear. She could hear, she could speak and she was praising the name of Jésus!

To find out more about the ministry of Christ for all Nations visit:

To follow Evangelist Daniel Kolenda visit:


Originally posted 2020-12-30 15:09:33. Republished by Blog Post Promoter


  1. Just like Titi, & like the blind man in Mark 8, I also was healed by the Lord Jesus in two stages! In the mid-1990s, I had TMJ (temporo-mandibular joint syndrome). I could not close my jaw, & it was painful to try. I was living on soup, smoothies, & juice for a few days. Finally I was able to go to a dentist. He examined me & told me to go to the foyer & schedule surgery. I obeyed & got in line…but God spoke to me there that I would not have surgery, that he would heal me! I left & began to drive home, rejoicing! I didn’t remember God ever speaking to me so clearly! I was wondering what I should do. I decided to go to where my church met. No one was there except one friend named Tony. I told him what happened. He said we should pray. We did, & God healed one side of my jaw! I told him what happened. He got excited & said we should pray again. We did, & God healed the other side. I am still healed approximately 20 years later. Jesus is Lord!

  2. stumc46….. Mark 9:23 “everything is possible to him who believes”…. this is not ancient this is for today… this is for now…God so loves you!!

  3. To anyone who read this please pray for me cuz i have been living with fear and anxiety for 2 years and thi gs started to get worse and i jst want to be alone 😔

    • Please know Jesus sees your suffering. He came to set you free from fear and anxiety. Please watch Joseph prince ministries sermons. Read “Get over your head” by Jennie Allen. Perfect love casts out fear. Soak yourself in God’s loving presence. I am praying for you, dear. May the truth of God’s word set you free from the lies of the enemy. You have nothing to fear. God will never leave you nor forsake you. He loves you immensely. By faith, I see you completely set free from the oppression of the enemy and living a blessed life.


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