Join us at the Transformation arena! Joy unlimited awaits you as the great Transformer (JESUS) shall be changing lives and there …


  1. I bless God for this wonderful December GCK edition, it was amazing and powerful. My spirit was transformed and recharged for total triumph and dominion in this generation. I pray that the burning fire in our alter will never off and our recharged spiritual battery will never run down in Jesus mighty name. Amen.
    May God's bless His people and bless the convener of GCK in person of Pastor W. F. Kumuyi for hosting the global crusade in Jesus Mighty Name, AMEN!!!

  2. The general oversea is a man of God is members are wicked so of them have no pity here in ikorodu adamo is members Are not following the words of there pastor joesph imherion and is wife


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