1. "He Was Cut Down & Disappear
    In A Twinkle Of An EYE 😰
    That's My Wrathful, Merciful Tender
    Loving, Long Suffering Gracious
    Father. HE Is Nothing To Handle
    How You Want Leading His Children Astray! 🐑🐑🐑🐑 🐑🐑He Gave Up His Only Begotten. SON For. "Amennnnnnnnnn

  2. Thank You JESUSssssssssssss
    WE LO V E S 😘😘😘 YOU
    Because You First Loves US
    We Walk With You & Talk With You
    And You Tells Us We Are Your Own.
    Your Name Is Written Upon Our
    H ❤ E ❤ A ❤ R ❤ T

  3. We are not perfect because we are still in this mortal body, but we are required to BE HOLY! 😊
    When people start to declare that they are not perfect, you should realize that they are just trying to rationalize the sins they are enjoying.😢😢😢😢

  4. Whether he was lying or people lied against him he has gone to meet his maker. You can hide from man but not from God. Apart from those boys in the USA there were some boys from Africa too who made those same allegations against him i.e. Bishop Eddie Long. God can never be mocked, whatsoever a man soweth that will he reap also.

  5. I used to go to his church. God remove me from there. It was true what he did. One of the boys was one of my girlfriend friends. He will always have young guys around him . Truly a Wolf in sheep clothing. We have to understand we serve a RIGHTEOUS, HOLY God who sits on high and looking down below. We cannot sit/stay in darkness , knowing what we are doing are wrong. He never, humble and repent openly in public. False teacher are real. We have to stay in God's word and pray, so that he will open our eyes to see these WOLVES IN SHEEP CLOTHING. Don't play with God for he will expose you and bring you bring you to an open shame. We as Christians have to stay in prayers so we can recognize false teachers. We have to remember that we SERVE a JUST, HOLY, RIGHTEOUS HEAVENLY Father, who sits on high and looking down below. It Is good to mention it so one can be aware that false teachers exist.

  6. Bishop T.D JACKES, I had dream about him, lol i don't know him in person.. but this Bishop td jackes , i had dream about, in his souroundings , this bishop likes to like to make woman uncomfortable, in speaking sexual thinks, touching woman unpropriate in partof body, so thats why god real angry towards td jackes


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