Boy raised from the dead.

Originally posted 2020-12-30 15:09:47. Republished by Blog Post Promoter


  1. THANKYOU brother for sharing your faith and the greatness of GOD.Keep it up the faith and the good work for our LORD JESUS CHRIST.Blessings

  2. True i was there at the crusade ground when the testimony was given, thats the day i got born again, Nov. 2009. Thank you sir for coming

  3. Looking forward to hearing Mr. Kolenda speak at my Church in November.
    Thanks for posting.
    Sometimes I think we don’t recive because we don’t believe.

  4. Please pray for my health I have undergone through a surgery on my stomach with forty six stitches. I need God’s healing power now.

  5. Thank you for this video, Daniel. There may be those who come against you, but God’s Spirit validates those He has sent. Blessings!

  6. Daniel we love here in Romania. Yes we believe in the power of God. God bless you and with evangelist Reinhard Bonnke. CFAN to all nations for Jesus Christ.

    Catalin -Romania


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