WATCH FULL VIDEOS + EXCLUSIVE FUN ON OUR PATREON PAGE NOW: https://goo.gl/p5L2W4 Marriage is not about rings …


  1. This video is so powerful and can be so useful for young people today.The Bible is the standard set by God Almighty. Who are we to break these laws and think that it's ok? No wonder there are so many broken marriages, trust issues and unhappiness in the world today.We need to get back to basics, obey what God says, and keep to his standard . I wish that everyone that sees this video would feel compelled to follow God's way.Take heed,blood covenant is a serious thing.

  2. God NEVER said "except for marital unfaithfulness"!!! He said "except it be for FORNICATION"; which is PRE-marital sex!!!

    Unless the bride was NOT a virgin at the consumation of the marriage, there was NO PERMISSION TO DIVORCE.
    Stop looking like sin-loving reprobates and READ YOUR BIBLES IN TOTAL.

  3. there are a lot of divorces due to abuses physical mental financial etc which comes after the marriage

    If the marriage
    was good and both were committed there will be no divorce

    God does not agree with abuse in a marriage
    Please leave abusive spouse

    it does not help the children to grow in that atmosphere
    It creates a cycle of abuse and unhappiness

    A lot of our children are killing each other and are in prisons due to unhappy home environment

    Man wrote the Bible so many saying in it can be reformed to make the kingdom better especially leaving abusive marriages

    God wants His children to be happy

    Please leave abusive relationships nobody has a right to tell you otherwise
    and please take time to heal

  4. It says you can separate, but it doesn't mean you are free to marry another person. Apostle Paul states that "she must remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband" – 1 Corinthians 7:10-11….it followed by a scripture from the book of Roman 7:2 " For the woman who has a husband is bound by the law to her husband as long as he lives"…meaning it's the death that departs husband and wife, it allows you to remarry. it's either you stay as a widow or widower (single) or marry again if you still want to. In the book of 1 Corinthians 7;8-9 it clears everything "To the unmarried and the widows I say that it is good for them to remain single, as I am. But if they cannot exercise self-control, they should marry."

  5. Adultery qualifies divorce though doesn't have to. Forgiveness possible.
    Adultery does not qualify remarriage.
    Only death does .
    Christian marriage is one bite of the cherry.

  6. Also about homosexuality morality is a question of knowledge:
    The WHO World Health Organization, stated, homosexuality not a disease or disorder, but a healthy natural born sexual orientation.
    Evolution scientists stated in several publications, that homosexuality exists since sexuality exists, since 385 million years,
    They also stated, that having homosexual members in the own tribe gives several evolutionary advantages, which explains the permanent share of 4-10% homosexuals of the population.
    So the question would be rather: why putting an ethical limit on homosexuality if its natural, healthy and even with a natural sense?


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