Curry Blake | Dominion Life International Apostalic Church …


  1. Scriptures

    Ps 103.3 who forgives all our iniquities & heals all our diseases
    1 Pet 2.24 By whose stripes, you were healed
    Mt 8 tied to Isaiah, physical not spiritual
    Isaiah 53.4,5 Bourne our griefs & sorrows Wounded for
    Ps 107.20. Sent His Word and healed them; delivered
    Ps 91
    Mk 11.23 whosoever shall say…
    Ps 107.2 let the redeemed say so
    Mt 12.15
    Hb 13.8 still healing all
    Luke 9.11 have a need

  2. Jesus died for my sins. I accepted that 50 years ago. Jesus is The Lord I dropped a board on my left ankle 7 years ago and have a chronic wound. I suffer with neuropathic pain in both lower legs and feet. Two failed back surgeries over past 2 years with daily back pain. Also have left hearing loss with loud ringing. I.was healed by the stripes of Jesus at Calvary. I know and believe that God raised Him from the dead. I believe that I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. Not sure why I still suffer but I know I am healed. Please agree with me for my total manifestation of my healing. I am in The Word every day and memorized many scriptures from KJV. God loves me more than I can understand and I hear Him speak frequently. Jesus Is The Lord! Thank you, Dan

  3. Can you please pray for my daughter, she has a chronic condition and is having nausea that comes over her. She is not able to take care of her children properly. Please Lord help her and let her medication be working.

  4. Another wonderful message! I saw brother Curry in GA in August 2022 and throughly enjoyed it. God bless JGLM! I have many areas that need healing-neuropathy in feet, tinnitus, weight loss, cataracts, dry eyes, astigmatism, facial injury (scarring), ridge in thumbnail, receding gums.✝️🙏🏼🦋

  5. And because God says in Christ we live, we not only have life, but we have an abundance of life that overcomes the last enemy which is death.
    Adam and Eve were one with God, walking with Him all day every day. When Adam and Eve became one together, death entered into the world through their idolatry. The second man, Christ, became our life-giving Spirit, making us one with God again❣️

  6. 2 Timothy 4:3-4 For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. INDEED! It started on Azusa Street in 1906 and the virus of the emo-driven-believer, has spread to into a malignant cancer of New Age charisma and charismania. Lake was tried for fraud, and Curry Blake should be too.


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